« Route 666 » - Part 2/2

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Alina opened the door of her motel room, surprised to find Dean on the other side of it. She'd thought it was Sam coming to give her all the informations they'd gathered during their short investigation, but she absolutely wasn't expecting to see Dean after their last conversation. He was wearing his usual clothes again, and was simply standing in the hallway with his hand in his pockets, silently waiting for her to say the first words. He wanted to see her reaction before doing anything, because he'd leave instantly if she didn't want him here.

The fact that she'd gone back to the room she was sharing with Marcus made him believe that she didn't want to see or talk to him right now. But...

"Dean..." Her voice was so soft, and her faint smile so relieving.

She wanted to ask him what he was doing here, but didn't want to offend him. She wasn't mad or anything, she was just too tired to argue with him again. "Come on in."

She stepped away to let him enter the room and closed the door behind him with a little apprehension. Dean started to check his surrounding, surprised to find nothing else but Alina's stuff in the room. There was no sign of her friend's presence. "Where's Marcus?"

The hunter asked as he turned to the girl now leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.

"He had to leave." She didn't say more, because she didn't want to cause another argument by mentioning...him.

"Is he okay?" Dean insisted, as he wanted her to feel free to say anything.

"Yeah...but his boyfriend got hurt on the job. He'll be fine, Elias just thought he'd feel better with Marcus by his side. That's why he called me, he wanted to make sure we'd be alright without Marcus here before asking him to come back."

Dean felt stupid for the way he'd reacted. Elias was just trying to be a good friend.

Alina watched him nod shyly, quickly turning around to hide whatever was on his mind at the moment. At least he wasn't making a scene about Elias, but the silence was too oppressive. "So did you guys find anything at the docks?"

"Yeah!" Dean replied quickly, happy to change the subject that made him feel like a complete fool. He told her about what they'd learned, about his theory that the truck could be similar to the flying dutchman, an extension of a ghost re-enacting past crimes. But instead of a ship, they were hunting a phantom truck.

"Wait..." Alina frowned in astonishment. "You mean we're dealing with a racist, killing, ghost truck? That's...we need to find a way to stop it before it kills anyone else. What about Cassie's mom? Didn't the mayor say something about her this morning?"

"Yeah, I also think this is all connected to Cassie and her family. There's gotta be more to it."

Alina wanted to end this quickly. She'd promised Marcus she would take care of this. She couldn't let him down, and she couldn't let anyone else get hurt in this town.

"Okay than you should go talk to Cassie."

Dean waited a moment before scoffing at her request. It sounded so natural and yet, so unexpected. Alina didn't understand his reaction. She wasn't trying to be funny.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Nothing. It's just...you want me to go talk to her? Now? In the middle of the night?"

Alina checked the alarm clock on her nightstand. "It's not that late."

Dean was losing his patience again. How could she be so relaxed right now? He'd gone mad because of a simple phone call from her ex, and she was asking him to go see a girl he used to date, alone, at her house. Wasn't she at least just a bit worried about this?

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