« Original Story » - Part 1/2

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Alina entered the motel room and let herself fall on the bed, exhausted by that last hunt. She heard Dean shut the door behind her, but couldn't even move to look at him. "Why did the remains took forever to burn? I swear I'm gonna start carrying a flamethrower."

Dean laughed at her comment, taking off the jacket of his suit to throw it out of his sight.

"And why did I have to wear those freaking heels today?!" Alina suddenly sat up to stare at the monsters on her feet. Yes, they were a part of her costume, but if she'd known she would get chased by the spirit right after questioning the victim's family, she would've stayed in her normal clothes and wait for the boys in the car.

"I thought you looked hot, Frenchy."

Alina sent him a death stare. She loved it when he complimented her like that, but this wasn't the right time. "Shut up and get these things away from me, Winchester."

The hunter smiled, clearly aroused by her sudden authority. "Yes ma'am." Alina was sitting on the side of the bed when Dean came crouching in front of her to put his hand behind her ankle, and gently take off the first shoe. The young woman tried not to smile, but completely failed when he caressed her calf as he put the second shoe on the floor.

"Dean..." But he didn't let her finish. She was wearing a skirt that allowed him to land soft kisses along her naked leg, making her close her eyes with a smile. "I really need to take a shower."

"Alright..." Alina was taken aback when he suddenly grabbed her by the thighs and pulled her towards him, as he quickly stood up and made her fall backwards so she would lie underneath him. He gave her a seductive smirk, obviously proud of himself for making her look so flustered. "How about I help you take off these clothes?"

She bit her lips to hide her smile and shook her head, trapped under Dean's strong body. It was already so hard to resist him when he was wearing that long sleeves white shirt with a tie, so it was almost impossible if he just leaned over her like that, holding her hands down on the bed to prevent her from moving.

"We just got back from a hunt. Have some self control, Winchester."

"Trust me, Frenchy...I'm controlling myself right now." And just after saying those words, he completely closed the gap between them, smashing his lips on her neck. Alina once again closed her eyes, feeling her temperature rising with the way Dean's mouth was tasting her skin, unable to stop a faint moan from escaping her own lips. Why did he have to be so good at that? Her breathing was intensifying, so she was now struggling to talk normally.

"What if...what if Sam comes back?"

The third hunter had agreed to stay with the family targeted by the spirit, while they were giving their deposition to the police. Alina actually suspected that Dean had asked his brother to give him and the young woman some time alone. That sounded like something he would do.

And as Alina was expecting him to find another excuse to her question, he suddenly pulled away from her, and thought for a moment before a large smile appeared on his face. "Oh I've always wanted to do that." And to the girl's surprise, he stood up to walk away from the bed.

She frowned and watched him take off his tie joyfully, opening the front door, and putting the piece of fabric on the doorknob. He then turned to her, pointing at his work like it was the most brilliant idea ever. "These monkey suits do come in handy, uh?"

Alina looked at him, astonished by how childish he actually was. That was a cute side of him she never wanted to see disappear, but she pretended to be against the idea when she joined him to grab the tie back. "I told you that I needed to take a shower." She closed the door and stepped away from the hunter.

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