« Route 666 » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP13 - Route 666)

Alina walked out of the convenience store with her arms full of candies and chips. She ignored the exasperated look she got from Sam when she threw everything on the backseat of the car, keeping one open bag of M&M's in her hands when she turned to her friend. "Alright Sammy, how about you keep your little comments to yourself?"

"I didn't say anything."

"You did, with your eyes. I can hear your eyes judging me."

"Good. They are."

The two friends shared an amused smile until they both looked back at the map laid on top of the Impala. Sam was supposed to find a way to get to Pennsylvania as soon as possible.

"So whatcha got?" Alina questioned him, taking a quick glance at Dean behind them. He had his phone to his ear and seemed focused on what he was hearing, so Alina decided to wait for him to finish to ask him about it.

"Okay. I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought."

"Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania."

Sam and Alina both turned to Dean who'd lowered his phone, looking thoughtful.

"We what?" Sam was stunned by his sudden change of mind when he'd been the one insisting to go to Pennsylvania in the first place.

"I just got a call from an..." He looked at Alina, unsure of what he was supposed to say in front of her. They weren't technically 'dating' because they didn't want to rush into things, but they were definitely closer than they were before going to Nebraska. He was even surprised they hadn't have sex yet, because usually that was the first thing he would do when getting close to a woman. And he was fine with all of this, because he'd never experienced that kind of relationship with someone before. She simply understood him, and was there for him. So yes, talking about the person who'd just called him wasn't going to be an easy task.

"From who?" Alina asked when she noticed Dean's long hesitation. She was curious now.

"From...an old friend." And just with these three words, Alina already knew what kind of 'friend' he was talking about. She instantly thought it was cute of him to think she would get mad at him for his past relationships, yet she let him continue, acting as if she really believed about that 'old friend' thing.

"Her father was killed last night, think it might be our kind of thing."

"What?" The way Sam seemed completely oblivious about the situation made it even more absurd.

"Yeah. Believe me, she never woulda called, never, if she didn't need us."

Alina was getting even more intrigued by that mysterious girl. Especially because Dean hurried to get into the car after that, clearly trying to avoid the interrogations. The two best friends still standing on the side of the car shared a suspicious look, letting each other know that something interesting was going on.

"Come on, are you coming or not?" Dean yelled at them through the window.

And they definitely couldn't miss this, so they quickly joined him inside the Impala and they drove away from the gas station in an awkward silent.


Sam knew that his brother couldn't talk openly about his past relationship, with Alina being so near. So when he turned to the girl after a few hours of driving, a sly smile appeared on his lips. Eyes closed, head resting on the window, mouth slightly open...she was fast asleep.

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