« Pilot » - Part 1/2

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(S1EP1 - Pilot)


"Uncle Bobby! Dean is messing with my dolls!"

"Dean!" Bobby Singer's loud voice made the walls tremble as soon as he heard the sweet little voice of the sweet little Alina upstairs, complaining for the forth time in two days about Dean Winchester.

Every time the two children found themselves alone in a room, one of them would start screaming until Bobby or Sam would come and separate them. This time, Dean had stolen one of Alina's favorite dolls to hide it above the closet where she could not reach it.

"She broke my walkman!" The young boy tried to defend himself.

"No I didn't!"

"Oh yeah?! I saw you play with it this morning so if it wasn't you who..."

Dean stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw from the corner of his eye, his brother Sam's little head quickly disappearing with fear behind the door.

Alina, who had also spotted the younger brother, ran to stand in front of the door, blocking the passage with her arms open on each side of her fragile little body.

"Okay, okay!" She shouted at the now silent Winchester. "I broke your walkman! It was me! So you can hide all my dolls if you want I don't care! "

She then quickly pulled her tongue out as a sign of rebellion, before leaving the room at full speed and disappearing in the hallway, just like Sam a few seconds ago.

Later that day, Alina and Sam were climbing the stairs after the young boy had found his friend in tears under a dried tree.

"You should've told Dean it was me Alina. It's my fault if he bothers you all the time."

The little girl immediately punched Sam's arm, making him stare at her in confusion while rubbing the sensitive area.

"Now we're even Sammy! But you should stop playing with Dean's stuff. "

When they finally entered the room laughing, they were surprised to find all Alina's dolls laying on her bed, safe and sound. The little girl threw herself on the bed with joy, hugging her friends she had missed so much without noticing Dean laying on his own bed, his eyes closed and a slight smile on his lips that he concealed when he cleared his throat.

"We're good for this time." He said, feigning annoyance. "But don't touch my stuff from now on, that clear?"

Little Alina just laughed as she jumped out of her bed to join Dean, and surrounded him with her arms. "Thank you Dean!"

"Yeah whatever, just get off of me!" He protested, managing to free himself from the embrace.

Sam watched them with a grin, relieved to see his friend happy again. Alina knew that despite his coldness, Dean was unable to be as mean to her as he could be to his brother. That's why she always took the blame whenever Sam would make a big mistake.

Bobby passed by at the same time, also relieved to see the children in a good mood again. Even if he knew that this truce would not last.

"Come on kids, let's eat some pie in the kitchen before I take it all for myself."

Alina grabbed Bobby's hand with the most adorable smile on her lips. "Can I stay and play with my dolls Uncle Bobby ? Dean can have my slice."

"Awesome!" Dean screamed, already running to the kitchen downstairs before Bobby could say anything.

"You kids..." Bobby sighed, gently pinched Alina's cheek and went to join Dean. "You better not eat all that pie kiddo!".


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