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I had returned to my real home, and I was ready to finally leave my past behind me.

I had never seen this place before in my life – fields with hills and horse stables that eventually turned into oak and pine forests, all surrounding a blue lake that glittered in the sunlight – but at the same time, I had never been so certain that this is where I was meant to go.

ThunderClan was just pawsteps away.

I then shut my eyes for a moment, suddenly having to push down violent feelings of grief and overwhelming sadness. I found ThunderClan for us, my lovely daughter. I wish you were here to experience it with me...

I had spent what felt like seasons trying to find them, after what felt like seasons being away from them. After discovering that they were no longer in their old territory felt like a physical blow to the heart... let alone actually being taken away from them in the first place... I thought, my fluffy white chest out as I scanned my surroundings. But I could not have even begun to guess where they went had I not spoken to Barley and Ravenpaw.

I silently thanked the two kind toms in my head, my heart suddenly feeling as it was soaring above with the birds as I began to pad along the lake as quickly as I could. I knew immediately that I was likely not on ThunderClan's territory by the lack of trees and the hills beyond. With that in mind, StarClan forbid that I don't get caught here...

But despite that thought, I tried to remain calm, preparing to face any possible hindrance as I quickened my pace. And hopefully my moons and moons of fighting skills didn't diminish after being a kittypet for moons and moons...

And by the time that I actually reached the forest I'd been able to see when I first arrived to the lake, my heart was pounding with so much excitement, nerves, and exhilaration that I thought I was going to disintegrate and then drift off into the wind. If this is where the Clans are, I would bet on my life that this is where ThunderClan would settle, I told myself as the shadows of the trees ahead began to loom over my fur. This has to be it, oh my goodness...

And I only got further confirmation of my thoughts as I fully padded into the trees – feeling the soft grass and soil beneath me, seeing the spiky bramble bushes scattered everywhere...

And catching scents that smelled so strangely foreign, but were so comforting and familiar at the same time. I recognized that earthy, leaf-like smell. ThunderClan cats... None of them were completely fresh, but I could be certain that a patrol had likely gone through this area earlier.

I then shut my eyes, nearly letting out a whimper as I became overwhelmed with emotions. The one place in my life where I had felt truly happy; the place where I felt that I truly belonged and that had once felt impossible to find again, was just within reach. No matter how many times I thought about it, it made my stomach flutter in the exact same way.

I then opened my eyes and forced myself to take a deep breath and begin walking again, but my heart still raced like it never had before. I realized that I now needed to be extra focused – I need to find their camp... hopefully that won't be hard. Or would it be too alarming for me to simply walk into their camp? Would many cats recognize me? Are cats like Sandstorm or Willowpelt even there? Is Firestar still leader?

I then took another deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down. All of your questions will be answered soon, and no matter what, I hopefully will receive a warm welcome...

Feeling a bit more reassured, I began to pad more lightly through the forest, trying to follow recent cat scents to the best of my ability and trying to plan what I would say or who I would ask for once I made it to their camp.

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