Chapter 12

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For the entirety of our travel, Scourge and I walked in complete silence, me only being able to rely on Scourge's familiarity of the area as he led me through the Twolegplace.

The silence was both because of my intense anticipation, but also because... what could I even say? At this point, Scourge and I had done nothing but bitterly banter with each other. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I also could be certain that picking another fight wouldn't be wise, and surely he wouldn't be interested in casual conversation.

So, I said nothing. But to be honest, I was also just extremely weirded out to be traveling with another cat in some capacity, no matter who it was. While I had begun to make good associations with traveling on my own, after moons of feeling nothing but grief with being by myself, this was actually somewhat refreshing – just knowing that some other presence was there on your journey.

And I found that I was actually beginning to enjoy this small adventure with Scourge, when suddenly I was overwhelmed with the scents of several, several cats. All mingled together, they almost smelled how Scourge smelled but multiplied... and a bit... worse?

And I actually found myself having to suppress a gag by the time that Scourge and I arrived to a worn-down wooden fence – something that I somewhat recognized from smaller Twolegplaces that I have traveled in before.

Almost as soon as we had come to a stop, Scourge actually gave a lash of his tail, then looking over his shoulder as if he were checking to see if I was still there, his blue eyes dark and narrowed.

The eye contact quickly felt too long and uncomfortable, and I found myself taking a step back. "...What?" I muttered as I blinked.

After another moment, Scourge's eyes narrowing even more, he let out a sigh and then faced the fence again. "Brace yourself," he murmured, before beginning to slide through a small gap in between two of the fence boards.

I blinked once again in surprise, having to take a few heartbeats to process what sounded like a threat. And I have no idea how to take it... I thought, letting out a sigh myself before finally forcing my paws forward and through the fence behind Scourge.

I could practically hear my heart beating in my ears at this point. From nerves? Of course! But had to admit, I was just a bit excited to see this "camp" that this BloodClan – this tough, vicious group of cats – supposedly settled in. Up until this point, I could only imagine what lay beyond this fence.

And despite that, I still felt my mouth drop, shocked as I saw what was in front of me. Not necessarily a bad sort-of shocked, however...?

As I had anticipated, and smelled, there were many, many cats in front of me, all settled in this fairly small camp that just lied in between two buildings that met together, creating a very large, roofless den for everyone. I recognized several of the large green squares up against the walls of the buildings, and large wooden boxes stacked up that several cats were lying on. Scraps of food, crowfood, and Twoleg rubbish were scattered everywhere.

The cats in this camp were either eating off of these scraps, digging in the large green objects to likely look for some more, lying in the sun, and several where even mock-fighting each other.

And least, I hoped it was only mock-fighting.

All of these BloodClan cats had been occupied with these things as I emerged through the fence, but as soon as I came into sight, everything seemed to freeze, and all eyes seemed to be on me.

I couldn't help but completely freeze, a chill running down my spine, but simultaneously feeling hot with all of the gazes burning into my soul.

I honestly didn't think that I had ever, ever been around this many cats at once. That was one thing, but I also hadn't been looked at by this many cats at once.

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