Chapter 13

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I never thought that I'd have to return to this alley again, and I had been perfectly fine with that.

But there I was, standing right in the center of it and feeling more nervous that I had felt in days.

And I practically felt as if I couldn't move as I watched Scourge leap up to the same green square box that I had taken shelter on top of just a couple of days earlier. He grabbed some Twoleg rubbish food from the piled-up mess, jumped back down, and then set it down just a few tail-lengths in front of me.

I then tried as hard as I could to keep my composure as Scourge then walked up to meet me. "Alright," he breathed, his gaze dark as he stared deep into my eyes. "You're ready."

"Am I?" I couldn't help but reply as I tried to keep my fur flat.

Scourge then slowly narrowed his eyes down into slits, and he was silent for a few moments. "You still want to be a part of BloodClan, don't you?" he eventually muttered.

A shiver ran down my spine. Well, that tone makes me question it, however... I thought to myself, taking a deep breath and straightening my posture. It's time for something new. Something different, and I don't even fully care what it is or why this feels right. "I can't believe that I do," I then replied with a shrug.

"Well then, yes. You are ready," Scourge answered coldly, giving a single sharp nod. Sharp tingles then seemed to run down my fur as Scourge's brushed mine, and he put his muzzle close to my ear. "You have no choice at this point," he then whispered before walking back to join the other BloodClan cats had actually come to watch my task.

Hoot, Jumper, and Scraps, who all looked ridiculously smug, but simultaneously a bit nervous as they stared ahead at the stray food that Scourge had set out, and they all listened intently as Scourge spoke again. "The dumb brute typically stops by around this time to look for food," he meowed more loudly as he followed the toms' gazes.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that comment. Hm. I already figured that out by accident.

Scourge then sat down next to his Clanmates, flashing me a brief, unreadable glance. "We just have to wait for him to arrive, and then it's all you, Mist."

Exciting... I thought, having to take a moment to catch my breath as my current reality hit me like a monster all over again. Oh my moles on a mountain of mountain lions and maggots, how the heck am I going to do this?

I then shifted my gaze from where I had been looking at Scourge to the three strange spectators who had joined us. "And they're here because...?"

Scraps, a patchy black, white, and tortoiseshell, let out a snort and narrowed his gleaming amber eyes. "You'll find that we're always up to watch a good fight when the opportunity comes," he meowed slyly. "That is... if you even live to find out..."

I then rolled my eyes once again as Hoot and Jumper laughed at that comment. To my surprise, Scourge actually looked over at the other three, flashing them a dark, warning look through narrowed eyes.

However, not as surprisingly, he didn't deny what Scraps had said. For some reason, this somewhat amused me. But only a little. I was mainly feeling uneasy about Scraps' teasing threat,

But Scraps would never know that, of course.

So, instead, I couldn't help but meow teasingly, "Hm, even if a dog attempts to shred me to bits, Scourge won't be able to help swooping in and helping." I then flashed the black tom a smug look.

Scraps' eyes immediately widened at my words, and his jaws practically dropped to the ground. "Whoa, what?"

Next to him, Hoot looked just as amused and bewildered as he stared over at Scourge. "Ah, so you really did save her from that dog once already?"

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