Chapter 20

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After all that I had been through today, and after all that I had discovered, for some reason, encountering a cat that I had never seen before brought me to be quite territorial. "Really? I can trust you?" I retorted, slightly shifting away from this Cinderpelt. "How on earth am I supposed to take your word for it?"

The gray she-cat sighed, and I found myself trying to focus on her distressed blue gaze to distract from my discomfort and pain. "In your current condition, I'm not sure if you have much of a choice."

I let out a slight hiss as a pain shot through my side, causing my next words to come out in more of a growl. "What do you mean? Of course I do!"

This time, I couldn't bring myself to move again as Cinderpelt took another pawstep towards me. "Okay, let's put it this way – if that was the case, the worst that could happen is that I ultimately don't help you deliver your kits," she replied, her gaze growing sharper, "which is what will happen for certain if you continue to turn me away."

Truly trying to absorb the she-cat's words, I found that I could only stare at her warily for a few moments as I tried to breath through my pain. All of the dreams I've ever had in my life have made more sense than this day, I couldn't help but think. I watched my mate kill a cat that I thought was his ally, very likely split with him, and now I have a stranger appearing to help me give birth. "But I still have no idea who you are," I finally forced out. "How can I at least trust that you know what you're doing?"

"I'm sorry to use this phrase again, but trust me, I know what I'm doing," Cinderpelt immediately replied, her eyes now wider with urgency. "Healing and taking care of other cats is what I do."

Before I could even open my mouth to question the she-cat, she shook her head and sat down right next to my flank. "I really wish that I could elaborate, but there isn't time," she then meowed quickly. "Will you – what's your name?"

I simply let out a sigh, finally deciding to give in to the she-cat. Honestly, any scenario that might happen here will still likely be better that what I've already experienced today... "Mist," I answered simply.

"Mist, will you please take a chance on me?" Cinderpelt then insisted, her eyes still gleaming with concern. "I don't know what I'd do with myself if I left you here to struggle on your own."

And after those words, it only took me a moment to observe that genuine care and sympathy that was glowing in Cinderpelt's blue eyes. And if somehow she was faking it, she was a pretty gosh-darn talented cat, and a very horrible one too.

But at this point, I could only trust that was all genuine, and I suddenly was very tempted to cling onto the she-cat's kindness. "Okay," I then breathed. "What do I need to do?"

Further reassuring me, Cinderpelt let out a quick, relieved huff. "Alright," she then sighed as she then put one of her paws on my belly. "It looks like the first kit is fast approaching. All I need you to do is push when I ask you to."

And it was at this moment – now that my fear of stranger danger was past – that the situation at hand finally hit me. I was about to give birth. I was about to bring kits into the world. I was about to become a mother.

And despite all of the physical pain I was going through, I still managed to feel the weirdness as my stomach seemed to twist up into a nervous knot. "...Okay," was all I was able to give Cinderpelt in response.

Seeming to sense my sudden apprehension, I felt Cinderpelt give a gentle stroke of my belly with her paw. "It's going to be okay, I promise," she then meowed soothingly. I then watched curiously as she looked from side to side, before then padding a little ways away and then returning with a stick in her jaws and setting it down beside her. "Now, this is going to hurt. Is this your first time doing this?"

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