Chapter 2

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I let out a squeal that I thought would make me never able to speak again as I quickly fell closer and closer to the pile of rocks below. No! I thought in panic, flailing my paws around aimlessly, hoping that somehow I'd be able to grip onto something before my fur met stone. It's useless! Oh, mother and father, I'm so sorry!

I then screwed my eyes shut, bracing myself for the horrible landing I was about to make, when I suddenly felt a pair of jaws wrap around my body, violently catching me and pulling me out of the way. I quickly recognized the scent and long fur of Sparrow, his long neck fur brushing against me as he made he leap and then landed to the ground.

It almost felt too good to be true, and so incredibly lucky.

I was so overwhelmed with relief and shock that I felt I could barely move as he then urgently set me down on the grass. And before I could even try to get a word of thanks out, I realized that my father had made himself scarce – simply sighing and shaking his head before beginning to pace the area with his head down.


I then flicked my ears in surprise as I heard my mother's voice come from the rocks that I had been just moments from plummeting into. I turned around to find her actually standing just next to them, her hazel eyes wide as she then ran up to meet me, her nose suddenly brushing against my flank. "Holy hares on a hill, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Between my mother prodding at my fur, and my own shaking, I felt myself nearly topple over as I sharply shook my head. "N-no, no!" I insisted to her. "I'm fine!"

Chrissy then stepped away from me, meeting my gaze with panicked, uncertain eyes. "Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?"

I then tried to stand up straighter, giving her several quick nods. "Yes, I promise!"

"Oh, thank goodness," my mother then breathed before sighing, sitting down, and closing her beautiful eyes. "Now I won't feel as guilty about getting after you..."

Oh, no... I thought, already feeling my head instinctively begin to hang down in shame as I felt my stomach drop. Here we go...

I then tried not to cringe back as Chrissy took a step closer to me, also sitting down as she hardened her gaze. "Mist, I don't think I need to tell you how dangerous that was, and how ridiculous it was of you to even think to jump off of that boulder," she meowed in a stern yet calm voice that almost felt worse than yelling. "That jump would be risky for a cat of any size, let alone yourself."

I then lifted mt head up in alarm when suddenly Sparrow, who had spent this entire time pacing, finally spoke and padded very quickly up to me. I then actually did cringe at the harshness and clear anger in his voice. "You're lucky that I spotted you just as you slipped off the edge," he nearly growled at me. "If I had glanced over just a moment later..." He then trailed off, screwing his eyes shut and lowering his head once again.

I nearly let out a whimper, hating to see the both of my parents so disappointed and upset. And while I had known the mistake I was making as soon as I slipped at the top of that boulder, seeing Chrissy and Sparrow look so distressed because of me is what made my regret and remorse fully sink in. "I'm sorry!" I practically cried out, my gaze flitting back and forth between both parents. "I was just going to jump off of the small rock again, but..."

I then briefly glanced back at the boulder, only feeling a little bit of desire and excitement as my gaze fell to its top. "I just wanted to try..."

I then looked back at my parents as I heard Sparrow let out a snort. "Wow, that makes it all better."

Chrissy then shot her mate a warning look, lightly hitting his shoulder with her tail. "Sparrow..." she muttered to him. And after he only sighed and began to pace again in response, I felt my head begin to fall again as my mother looked back at me.

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