Chapter 11

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Honestly, I felt more relaxed than I had felt in a very long time as I padded through the busy Twolegplace that next morning, the sun already well-risen, and everything that could possibly stir, stirring.

Once again, I was trying my best to navigate between the countless amounts of Twolegs walking on the thinner thunderpath, but at this point, it just felt like second nature. And anyway, I had veered a little to one side of the path, closer to the buildings, and was out of the way.

And as I passed building by building, simply taking in the surroundings around me as I traveled, I actually was frequently able to spot the cats of BloodClan, I presumed. They either seemed to be traveling themselves, looking for food, or even talking or spitting insults at each other. They all always look like their fur is ruffled... and I mean that literally and figuratively, I thought, licking one of my paws and running it over one of my ears. And they all give off such a... vicious aura.

And clearly, they weren't welcoming, to say the least. However... I actually could admire the fact that they were so territorial, in a way. I mean... once you're in... you're in, I guess? And you're welcomed.

But with how little I still knew about these weird Twolegplace cats, I decided that I couldn't ponder it all very much. And anyway, I found that I suddenly couldn't think about anything else when I suddenly heard a very loud growl come from my stomach. Darn it... I thought, letting out a nearly inaudible hiss. I forgot that I'm hungry again...

While the meal that Scourge had basically won for me yesterday had definitely held me over for a little while, but I now found that I was just as starving as I had been before then. But where the heck am I going to find food now?

I honestly was a little reluctant to grab food from one of those large green objects again, let alone look in one of those dark gaps in between buildings. Clearly, nothing good lurked there, and I wasn't going to take any chances.

So, once again just like yesterday, I had absolutely idea where to start in finding a meal. I had subconsciously been looking around all morning already, with no luck at all.

That was, another somewhat unfamiliar, yet delicious scent began to flood through my nostrils. It actually smelled similar to what I had eaten yesterday, but smelled so much nicer and sweeter, and didn't have that twang of crowfood mixed in with it.

Now determined to follow this scent, I padded forward, the aroma luckily growing stronger with each pawstep that I took.

And almost immediately, it led me to a... quite strange sight.

Just a few fox-lengths in front of me was a Twoleg, standing just at the edge of the smaller thunderpath that I was walking on. The Twoleg, one that appeared to be a male, had what looked like a very, very small Twoleg nest in front of him – it was the only way I felt I would describe it to another cat.

It had a square part that had red and yellow stripes along it that went up to the Twoleg's flank, with four very thin silver trunks that stretched just a bit higher, that eventually all met with a roof that was also yellow and red.

As weird as it all was, I was certain that I'd found the right place – that amazing, warm smell fully emitting from it. And to add to that, I quickly caught sight of dozens of the small pieces of meat piled together at the top of the square part, just in front of the Twoleg and where his paws were, steam fluttering atop of them as if they were still fresh and hot.

Gee... I could practically feel my mouth watering, and my stomach growled once again, almost on cue.

I then felt my stomach sink a little bit as something hit me. How could I possibly manage grabbing one with that Twoleg standing right there? If I simply padded up to it and leapt up to them, the Twoleg would surely retaliate somehow, whether that was by shielding the food or swatting me away. Hm...

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