Chapter 5

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I honestly felt that I was at my peak, a light breeze blowing my long fur and my paws brushing through the grass as I made my way out of the forest, the sun high in the sky, and two large pieces of prey dead in my jaws that I had caught myself.

Gripping them both tightly, I reluctantly then left the trees behind me and proceeded forward, heading towards the gorge where me, Sparrow, and Chrissy were currently settled for the morning.

My parents quickly came into sight, the both of them sunning near the edge of the cliff and looking as if they could just stay there for days, not having a care in the world. It's a very nice day, and the view from this gorge is absolutely beautiful, I thought as my parents began to stir with my arrival. And their day is about to get even better!

I then held back a purr as I set the thrush and the shrew I had caught right at their paws. "Lunch has arrived!" I exclaimed. "I got a thrush and a shrew to avoid any conflict. Enjoy!"

Chrissy immediately rolled her eyes as she turned over to lay on her belly rather than her side. "Oh, please!" she sighed as she gave her mate a light nudge with her tail. "After all of this time I'd like to think that your father and I can learn to agree to disagree."

I then watched, still amused as my mother then exchanged a half-humored, half-skeptical look Sparrow before bending down to take a bite of her thrush. "Even though he's wrong."

As I then let out a mrrow of laughter, Sparrow gave Chrissy an affectionate look through narrowed eyes. "Why do I feel like this debate is never going to come to a close?"

I shrugged as I then settled down in front of my parents. "Hm, I suppose it depends on how other cats in the family fare."

Sparrow then let out an amused snort as he looked to Chrissy, and then to me. "Well, the pickings are slim, Mist," he meowed with laughter in his voice. "So, I feel like I have to ask your opinion!"

I broke my gaze from my father's abruptly, looking over my shoulder at the view of the waterfall and stream below. "I still decline to speak on the matter," I muttered quickly. Thank goodness I'm not hungry right now.

I then looked back at my mother to see her nodding slowly at me, her hazel eyes narrowed. "I respect your choice to play it safe, Mist, I'll admit that," she meowed before bending her head down to take another bite. "Either way, thank you for the prey! Where did you go to hunt?"

I looked over my shoulder once more and gave a flick of my tail, my stomach filling up with butterflies as I almost relived the experience of getting to hunt near the forest on my own. "Just below the gorge around the edges of the forest. Honestly, not too far from Barley's barn..."

I then let out a long, dramatic sigh as I then looked off in the direction I suspected Barley's barn to be, hoping my parents would catch on to what I was doing... and then comply. "Goodness, I'm sure that barn cat gets lonely sometimes... It's definitely been a little while since we've stopped by!"

I then looked back at my parents, meeting their gazes with wide eyes. "At least half a moon!" I then gasped, letting my head fall down to my chest. "Tragic..."

Sparrow simply stared back at me, giving a single nod. "Smooth."

"Thank you!" I then meowed, perking my head back up.

I then watched as my father also looked off to the side. "Well, I suppose you're right... I do miss the taste of endless amounts of mice..." he muttered before then looking over at his mate. "Chrissy?"

My ears flicked with excitement as my mother immediately gave an eager nod. "Sounds good to me!" she meowed as she then looked up to the sky. "If we leave after this meal, we surely should be able to be there by mid-tomorrow!"

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