Chapter 6

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I was yanked from my sleep as violently as a wind gust blowing against a blade of grass. And as soon as my eyes opened, all of my senses seemed like one big blur – the sun blinding my vision and my hearing being slightly muffled.

I had been in a very deep sleep, my body clearly working very hard to try and heal my mental and physical wounds from yesterday. So... what was it that managed to wake me up?

It was just a heartbeat later when it all finally processed. Oh, no...

I could now very clearly hear the mix of yowling, barking and growling in the distance. That, combined with the fact that neither Sparrow nor Chrissy were here standing guard anymore, was enough to make my heart drop into my stomach. Did those nasty dogs actually return?

As I continued to break through my grogginess, I was quickly able to deduce that it was indeed the yowls of my parents that I heard, combined with the ferocious, angry growls of what I now knew to be dogs. No, no, no...

Suddenly, I felt the same helplessness and utter terror that I had felt last night, but this time, double. I finally tried to force myself to stand up, almost immediately cringing as a strong, dull pain pulsed through my back leg.

I shut my eyes in pain, hissing in frustration as I remembered that my leg was injured, and would surely hinder me from doing anything promptly.

However, luckily the pain was soreness more than anything, and my leg was just a little stiff – I was doing to run like I never had before if my leg gave me any sort of capacity. I still absolutely dreaded having to run on it, but was equally terrified and what I was hearing and had to know what was going on. I'm coming, mother and father!

I then attempted to break into a run, almost immediately stopping to cringe as another pain shot down to my back paw. Ugh, come on!

But just as I was about to try again, I was completely shocked to then see the fluffy gray pelt of my father suddenly break through the bramble bushes ahead, his dark gray eyes wide as he pelted towards me. Oh, thank goodness! I only watched, already overwhelmed with relief as Sparrow ran up to meet me, clearly looking very shaken and out of breath.

However, that relief slowly went away when I then noticed the completely fresh wounds along his flank, and also the fact that Chrissy was not with him. "Father?" I cried out, my leg giving out for a moment as I tried to take a step towards him. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

Sparrow quickly caught my weight, letting me fall against his flank. A chill nearly ran down my spine as I felt all of the blood that was spread all over his flank, and the blood that I unfortunately could be sure was his. "The dogs are back, Mist," he panted, his voice full of tension with pain. "This time, it looks like they've brought a third friend."

My mouth dropped open, simply walking with Sparrow as he then seemed to be leading me somewhere. "Three dogs?" I nearly shouted, my heart suddenly pounding at double the speed. "Is mother fighting them by herself right now?" That thought made me practically want to collapse and whimper into the grass, and I held my breath as I awaited my father's answer.

My heart sank again as Sparrow nodded. "Yes, which is why I have to get back as soon as I can." He then let out a sigh, his eyes still wide with worry as he looked over his shoulder – the yowls and growls ahead getting louder and louder. "I came back here to make sure that you were safe."

Then, without another word, I was completely surprised when Sparrow then whipped his head around, and then proceeded to grab me by the scruff and carry me like a kit as he then broke into a run. He only seemed to slow down to take a quick look at the surroundings before running like his life depended on it all over again.

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