Chapter 30

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"Gosh darn-it!"

In this moment, it truly felt like nothing was more difficult as I lied on my back, my teeth barred as I dug into the horrible, annoying nuisance that was now wrapped around my neck. A collar.

The horrible, annoying nuisance Twolegs had luckily made it pretty loose, but I didn't care. Having a collar on my neck in any capacity made me feel like I was choking.

I had been on my back for what felt like the entire day, my front paws unsheathed and tucked under the small band. Several moments had already passed by where I thought I was actually going to choke myself from how hard I was pulling on it.

And I thought I was actually going to explode from how frustrated I was getting.

And seeing Wendell watching me out of the corner of my eye wasn't helping matters at all.

"Still going at it?" he asked me, his voice full of laughter as he gave an amused lash of his tail.

For some reason, his amusement brought me to want to push against my collar even harder. "Of course!" I growled through my gritted teeth. Gosh, how did Scourge ever have tolerated having that collar with dog teeth?

I only paused to ponder that for a moment before continuing in my strife. Well, I guess that was one of the reasons he was out of his mind.

"Mistpelt, I hate to break it to you," Wendell then meowed, breaking into my thoughts, "but I think this is a fight with an inanimate object that you're going to lose."

"Foxdung!" I barked back at the dark tabby tom.

I then paused once again, slowly looking over at the kittypet as I narrowed my pale blue eyes back at his. "Hey – you have claws that are in a much better position than mine... wanna help me!?"

Wendell immediately let out a snort and shook his head, to my disappointment and annoyance. "My claws would fall off before I could even make a nick in it."

With that, I let out a frustrated huff and returned to my battle with an... inanimate object once again, pushing harder than I ever had, and honestly not caring if my claws fell off. "I should have known you'd be a buzzkill," I muttered back at Wendell.

"Please!" the tom then meowed, his head shaking slowly and his eyes gleaming. "If I wasn't here with you in this house, I think you would have ripped yourself to shreds by now."

Even if he was right, there was no way that I was going to agree with him out loud. "Whatever," I muttered instead.

Out of my peripheral, I could now see Wendell rolling his eyes and then walking over in my direction until he was practically hovering over me, his eyes still gleaming. "Will you ever give up?"

At the tom's words, I actually found myself letting out a sigh and finally letting myself go fully limp. "I don't know..." I breathed as I then rolled over so that I was lying on my stomach. "All I know is that I hate wearing it, and if I manage to escape while I'm wearing it, I'm sure another Twoleg will snatch me up thinking I'm a house cat."

Above me, Wendell barred his own teeth and let out a sheepish hiss. "Again, I hate to break it to you..."

I once again narrowed my eyes back at the tom, letting my claws unsheathe and sink into the carpet below me. "I am not a housecat," I insisted to the tom right before standing up. "And I'll eventually get this collar off."

"Aw, come on, you look cute with it," Wendell purred, causing me to roll my eyes. I then slightly cringed back as he gave me a flick on the ear with his tail. "The light blue collar really brings out your eyes..."

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