Chapter 31

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I had only been asleep for what felt like a few moments before I found myself plunging into a dream – something that had been very, very rare since I had been in this Twoleg home. To be honest, under these circumstances, and constantly being irritated, anxious and antsy, I was lucky if I even slept half the night, and I came in and out of sleep so often that I didn't ever have enough time to dream.

But I wasn't sure if I was actually exhausted and not as on-alert, or if my bed was actually feeling kind of comfy, or maybe the leftover sandwich I'd eaten out of a trash can left me kind of loopy... but no matter how it came to happen, this experience was already so different than any experience I'd had.

First of all, because I could actually somewhat comprehend what was around me.

Well, even that would be an understatement. Not only could I comprehend my surroundings, but I felt like I was actually in them.

And the first thing I found myself doing was gasping in surprise as my gaze immediately seemed to stretch down for several tail lengths, my paws just a bit a way from the edge of a large gorge – similar to the one that Chrissy, Sparrow and I had shared a meal on the top of on the day that we'd decided to explore the forest.

But this one was for sure different, and it actually felt so much more colossal, and there actually wasn't water at the bottom of the cliff I was on. Weirdly, it actually reminded me a bit of ThunderClan's ravine, with indents within gorge ledges that could serve as dens, a small pond for water, and some greenery scattered around that looked like it had been put there rather than grown. Where the heck am I, and why?

I then found myself letting out a snort and giving a quick shake of my head. Why does it even matter? I'm dreaming! It's all nonsense!

But as I further let my surroundings sink in, and as I could literally feel the warm rock on my paw pads, I slowly narrowed my eyes down into slits. But then again... I don't think I've ever experienced something this vivid before. And I unfortunately know that it's not real.

I then narrowed my eyes even more, slowly padding closer to the edge of the cliff and attempting to peer over.

I then lifted my head, gaping my jaws apart and trying to take in the scents around me. The fact that I could smell anything here at all was so odd to me.

But nevertheless, because I could, I tried, in an effort to try and see if I wasn't alone here.

Below, the gorge was completely empty, despite how inhabited and lived-in it appeared to be.

However, behind me, I quickly realized that it was a completely different story.

My claws instinctively unsheathed, my ears also flicking and my eyes widening in alarm as I suddenly heard very quick movement coming from behind me – what sounded like pawsteps quickly brushing through the grass.

Hoping that the fact that this was a dream protected me and my safety, I let myself quickly whip around. For just a few moments, all I could catch a glimpse of was a whole entire forest of trees, but I then let out a gasp of complete bewilderment once I discovered what the sources of the noises were.

Pelting in front of me through the trees beyond were three cats, or at least, some semblance of cats. There were two adult-sized cats, along with a slightly smaller one, all faded and blurry as if they were underwater or in the midst of fog. Whoa...

All three of them were moving so swiftly, as if no obstacle in front of the, phased them at all. They not only swerved gracefully on the ground, but leapt up onto rocks and boulders that were scattered around. One of them, the smaller one, believe it or not, began to climb up a tree as effortlessly as if they were walking on flat ground.

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