Chapter 4

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The sun was bright, its rays gleaming from where it stood in the middle of the sky as Chrissy and Sparrow led me through the forest of pine trees.

Where were we going? I had absolutely no idea, but apparently it was a surprise!

It had now been a few days since we had left Barley and his farm, to my complete disappointment. I had told my parents about my reluctance to leave, and luckily they had promised that we would stop by to visit again soon the next time we passed the area.

But since then, we had been traveling intentionally yet aimlessly as usual. However, this morning, we had been traveling since the sun had just barely risen, and both of my parents had seemed very excited to take me to some particular place that would "take almost an entire day's travel".

I had to admit, I had been a bit mopey since leaving Barley's barn – I had loved the change in atmosphere and the older tom's kindness and warm presence. Our next visit already can't get here fast enough! But I also had to admit – my sadness was already quickly going away with the day full of adventure I was already having.

For the first time in my entire life, I had actually been able to cross a thunderpath for the first time. Up until this point, my parents had been too nervous to even cross while carrying me, but according to them – we had no choice but to take this path in order to make it to our destination.

And thank goodness our attempt to cross had been successful, considering how busy the thunderpath had been – monsters pelting from both sides, but luckily not seeming to notice us at all. Once there had been a free moment, Chrissy, Sparrow and I had run like we were being chased by hungry foxes. And despite Sparrow initially telling me that he would let me cross by myself, I still felt his jaws grip my flank and carry me the rest of the way.

And he had gently placed me back onto the grass, a monster actually passing by, its wind brushing our fur, just a few moments later. Hm, next time for sure, then, I thought jokingly as I stood up and gave a shake of my fur. I suppose I got a bit of a thrill for the first half!

I then forced myself to push away my disappointment, but also humored thoughts as I then excitedly turned to look at my parents, who were already padding ahead through some trees. "Alright, what now? Are we close at all?"

Chrissy briefly slowed down her pace and looked over her shoulder back at me, waiting for me to catch up and stand in between her and Sparrow. "Well, funny that you ask that now," she purred, flicking her tail forward where the trees were already beginning to disappear to reveal the territory ahead. "That thunderpath actually was our landmark to let us know that we're nearly there!"

I let out a gasp of surprise and excitement at those words, and before I could even give a reply, I fell speechless and I felt my mouth drop open as I processed what was in front of me – stone for what looked like infinity, which surprisingly looked like the neatest thing ever.

Not only was the ground itself stone, but there were several tall, miniature looking pointy mountains and cliffs spread everywhere. There were also a couple of tunnels that led who-knows-where. I had truly never seen a place that embodied fun or cool so perfectly for me.

And if all of that wasn't exciting enough, I quickly realized that I recognized this place – I had easily been able to spot it from the view at the top of Barley's barn. "No way!" I finally breathed after a few heartbeats of simply taking it all in. "I've seen this place before!"

I then let out a purr of amusement, fully having anticipated the confused look on my mother's face when she looked back at me. "You've been here, and we haven't?" she muttered, a single eyebrow raising on her face.

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