Chapter 10

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Without the shields of the leaves of trees above me, the rising sun was practically blinding as I wandered through the Twolegplace, once again following along the path of one of the thinner thunderpaths that only Twolegs seemed to tread on.

However, I was scarcely seeing any Twolegs at all. I had woken up just a bit earlier, just as the sun making its appearance, and I was surprised to quickly discover that with the early morning brought... calm in a place that had been chaos not too long ago. Monsters only passed on the bigger thunderpath every once in a while, and it was a rarity for me to see another living creature. Even the cats around here seem to prefer to sleep in a little bit...

Luckily, all of this would be to my advantage, and would make my traveling progress go must faster.

However, I was mighty hungry.

Just as I'd woken up at the top of that tall Twoleg nest, my rumbling belly reminded me that I had not eaten in a long time – two or three days at least – and finding some sort of food needed to take priority.

But I had absolutely no idea where to start. I unfortunately was pretty certain that is was not the kind of place that prey would be scampering around.

But at the same time, I really hoped that I wouldn't have to resort to eating out of one of those trunk-shaped compartments that those two snarky cats from yesterday were...

But nevertheless, I tried to keep an open mind and be patient as I continued to wander for a bit, looking around and also trying to catch any sort of scent that I thought smelled like food.

While it was taking me a bit of time, it certainly didn't feel like time was wasted. I have to admit, in some weird way, this Twolegplace is actually scenic? I thought to myself as I stared up at the tall buildings and clouds above. It's scenic in a way that's very different from a forest or the plains... but again... that's exactly what I want.

Just heartbeats later, I then found myself stopping in my tracks. Wait a moment...

I then closed my eyes, simply taking it in as a scent that actually smelled somewhat like food actually flooded through my nostrils. But at the same time, it had a very unfamiliar twang that had a hint of... crowfood? I realized to myself, immediately wanting to move on with that in mind.

But just a heartbeat later, my stomach let out the most belly-ripping, loud growl that it had all morning, and I knew that I couldn't wait much longer.

I looked up from where I'd been staring down at my stomach, letting out a sigh as I began to pad forward to follow the scent. Goodness gracious...

The smell seemed to be coming from another wide, dark area that was in-between two buildings. But this gap actually didn't lead to light or more Twolegplace on the other side, and rather seemed to lead to infinite darkness.

But nevertheless, I pushed forward, quickly noticing a large, dark green, square-shaped object just barely in the light that was filled to the brim with junk. It was practically overflowing, so much so that some of the things in it had fallen out of it. One of those things appeared to be the leftovers of a Twoleg's meal that they had thrown out.

And it smelled slightly of... prey?

Actually feeling a rush of excitement (and desperation) I quickly ran up to the food on the ground and gave it a good look. It looked like a piece of meat that had been made into a strange shape – almost like the shape of cat-tails, the plants that grew next to ponds and streams – and it was partly wrapped in something smooth and beige.

It actually smelled really, really good, and I couldn't help but lick my lips. But... has it really come to this? I thought reluctantly, then wrinkling my nose as I bent down to take my first bite.

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