Chapter 17

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For a moment I felt that I was trudging through the thickest gust of fog, my head stuffy with nothingness as I very groggily came into consciousness. However, I quickly realized that it was still nighttime considering opening my eyes didn't make much of a difference.

Just based on my slight view of the sky above and the sounds I could hear, I could deduce that dawn was maybe just barely approaching. Great...

I slightly stirred in my spot, not being able to move too much with Scourge's tail wrapped around my flank, and his muzzle pressed into my neck. Not that I was complaining... but I was at a standstill.

So, I continued to lie there in our nest, awake, for a few moments, as I tried to decide if I wanted to attempt to go back to sleep or not.

And it didn't take me long at all to decide that I think I wanted some air. As cozy and secluded as Scourge's den at the back of the BloodClan camp was and had been, I'd been feeling a little off the past few days anyway, and figured that taking a little walk might help a bit.

So, as quietly and as gently as I could, I tried to shift away from Scourge and stand up – making sure that he wouldn't be startled by the sudden empty space next to him or his own tail suddenly dropping with that empty space.

Then, once I was up on all four paws, I couldn't help but turn back around to look at Scourge, watching as shifted, still asleep, and moved so that he was then lying on his stomach, his head lying in his paws. To me, it looked so uncomfortable, but at the same time, it looked like he was ready to wake up and leap into action at any moment if needed. He's ready to pelt back into that forest later this morning, I suppose...

And it was how he had slept for the first few nights since I had moved into the BloodClan leader's den, and while I'd been pretty persistent in lying right next to him, it had taken him a bit to be more comfortable cuddling up to me.

Which, I should have only expected it would be that way.

As I then crept out of Scourge's den, I almost immediately paused, making sure to look back and forth to see if any other cat was out or awake. I had tried to make a very conscious effort to do this every time I left the den, being fully aware that Scourge had been wary about our Clanmates knowing that the two of us now shared a den.

Luckily for Scourge, today, I was leaving the den especially early, and no cat here would be able to suspect a thing.

And with that den now far behind, I decided that I was going to fully leave camp, and let myself mindlessly wander the Twolegplace as the sun began to rise.

I was under the firm belief that this time of day was probably the calmest and quietest that I would ever see the city – there were rarely any Twolegs walking around, and monsters only scarcely passed on the thunderpath. Even most of the bright lights that shone through the tallest buildings were now off, and I was mainly just relying on the tall lampposts scattered about to see what was in front of me.

And it only took me a few moments of padding on the small thunderpath, walking along the countless buildings to realize that this is exactly what I had needed, and I was going to take my sweet time wandering around. At this point, I wasn't worried at all about getting lost – I felt that I had probably explored basically every area that was even somewhat close to the BloodClan camp. And even if I find somewhere that I haven't been before, I began to tell myself, genuinely not scared at all at the prospect of getting lost, I'll figure out my way back.

For now, I was just going to enjoy my surroundings and let my paws take me wherever they pleased.

And as I continued to pad through the weirdly empty Twolegplace, I found my pawsteps growing lighter and lighter, and my head feeling clearer and clearer as I continued to wake up. And to add to that, the violent nausea that I woke up with is calming down a bit too...

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