Chapter 32

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"You really got me excited just to tell me we're stealing from a bucket of slop?"

Not that it was necessarily new, but I was utterly confused from where I stood in the kitchen next to Wendell – the both of us staring up at the kitchen counter that had a large, almost dirt-covered bucket sitting on top of it.

Wendell had woken up just to show me this, claiming that there were some "good steals" inside. I know that I've certainly been stolen from already today...

I padded up a little closer to the counter, narrowing my eyes as I slightly craned my neck. "What's even inside?" I asked as I then slightly leaped up, my front paws now pressed against the lowest cabinets as I tried to take a whiff. "Wait... is that fish I'm smelling?"

"Wow, your nose works at a basic level!" Wendell murmured sarcastically, and after I shot him a half-amused, half-enraged look, he let out a purr and gave me a nudge. "Yes, that is fish is that bucket."

"But... why?" I then asked, genuinely baffled. "Why in the name of everything that makes sense do we have a bucket of fish in our kitchen?"

I then blinked in surprise, then gave a quick shake of my head. "The kitchen."

I then tried to ignore Wendell's gaze as it seemed to fall on me for a moment, his pale blue eyes glimmering, before his gaze returned to the bucket above. "I'll try and explain it, but I don't think it'll make things make any more sense for you..." he then muttered, his head slowly shaking. "Have you ever gone fishing?"

I looked back at the tom with my own pale blue narrowed eyes. "...Yes?" I replied. I then let out a sniff as memories of the darned activity came to my mind. "Yeah, I have – Chrissy and Sparrow taught me how to, and we did it a few times."

I then began to shake my head slowly. "I once lost my balance when I was swiping down to get a fish, and I landed face-first into the water."

I then flashed Wendell a slightly embarrassed look before quickly looking down to stare at the floor. "Yes, I've fished before."

After Wendell let out a small chuckle, he nodded back up towards the bucket. "Well, what do you call them... Twolegs? Twolegs fish too."

I looked back at the brown tabby tom with wide eyes. "With those grimy, gigantic paws? How?"

"Well, that's the thing – they don't use their paws," Wendell replied, laughter in his voice. "They're so incompetent that they make these weird, long sticks with a string and a hook on the end to catch fish."

I would expect nothing less... "Geez, how weird are they?" I then said out loud.

I then narrowed my eyes as I further processed what Wendell had just said. "Wait a moment..."

I then stared back at the tom in bewilderment. "Did I just hear you call a Twoleg incompetent?"

Wendell immediately rolled his eyes at my question. "Eh, the more that I hear you complain, the more I'm realizing that you're maybe not just spewing hate for no reason."

"Spewing hate?" I repeated, my eyes wide, before I scoffed past Wendell and began to pad towards the kitchen table. "Oh, for StarClan's sake, let's just grab these fish."

Then, as I heard Wendell laughing behind me, I paused for a moment and forced myself to look back at his stupid, snarky face. "And how do we plan to do that?"

I watched as Wendell narrowed his eyes and then looked back up at the top of the counter. "Well, hopefully, it should be as easy as leaping up to the counter, and-"

I immediately flicked my ears back at the tom in surprise. "Oh, that easy? Well, then..."

With an easy, effortless push off of my back legs, I excitedly leapt up to the top of the counter, now weirdly excited to get closer to the bucket of fish.

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