Chapter 27

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The full moon was shining bright in the sky above the ThunderClan camp, the moonlight brightening the nursery as I peered my head past its entrance, watching as my Clanmates began to disappear through the gorse tunnel, leaving our home for the night.

And yet again, I had to push back my desire and antsy paws, wanting to so badly to join my new friends as they left for their Gathering – the same place that the BloodClan battle had been fought in, and the same place where I would have potentially been able to witness the truce that occurred between the four Clans.

Of course, since the battle, I had been more than curious to see what the dynamic of the four different groups would be like since they had all fought to the death together. However, unfortunately, I knew that I wouldn't be doing this for at least four more moons.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh at this thought. Ah, well... I then said to myself. Even if it's not now, at least I know it will come some day.

And I continued to try to stand tall and lift my own spirits as I then saw a flame-colored pelt appear out of the corner of my eye, and I gave a flick of my tail in greeting to Firestar as I saw him pass by the nursery.

He almost simultaneously noticed me, returning my nod in greeting with kind green eyes. "Goodnight, Mistpelt," the ThunderClan leader meowed, raising his tail in farewell.

I nodded back. "You too, Firestar." Please don't have too much fun, for my sanity.

Biting back those last words, I simply blinked as the flame-colored tom gave me another farewell flick of his tail, then joined the rest of the Clan, him being the last one to leave. And as his ginger tail disappeared through the gorse tunnel, I sighed and finally turned around and padded back into the nursery.

And, of course, as soon as I walked in, all of my problems, frustrations, and worries seemed to all be incompetent as my eyes immediately fell on Wrenkit's brown tabby-and-white pelt.

She had been trying to fall asleep once I'd began my cat-watching session, and now it appeared as if she'd finally been successful – her small flank slowly rising up and down, and her beautiful hazel eyes closed and covered with her tail.

I let out a quiet purr as I then trotted forward, calmly joining my daughter in our moss nest and wrapping myself around her. And almost immediately, my heart felt like it suddenly grew three sizes as Wrenkit almost seemed to sense that I was now beside her, letting out a sweet purr and nestling her little body deep into my flank.

I shook my head, almost in amazement, as I took a moment to bend my head down and give Wrenkit a gentle lick on the head, figuring and hoping that the she would get a full night's sleep. She'd had a pretty exciting day full of exploring the camp, and even having a chance to spend plenty of time playing with Leafkit and Squirrelkit. While a simple day, for a kit, I knew that was enough.

And as she continued to fall deeper into sleep, I couldn't help but simply watch her as I waited to grow drowsy myself. And as I watched her, I still found that I was overwhelmed with love for the tiny little scrap – it's impossible to feel anything less, I then thought. No wonder Chrissy and Sparrow lost their minds whenever I did something even remotely dangerous...

I then found myself pulling Wrenkit just a bit closer to me, simply letting my eyes close with my head still upright as I tried to bask in the silence that had now spread across the ThunderClan camp, with Wrenkit's breathing being the only noise that occupied the nursery.

Typically, there would be several other sleeping cats here by this time, but making me feel more antsy and lonely was the fact that Sandstorm and her two kits were not in the nursery. Conveniently, earlier that day, Leafkit had been trying to take a nap in her side of the moss nest in the nursery, but was surprised to instead be lying down in a nest of thorns.

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