Chapter 21

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I found myself growing more and more tired, finally feeling like I had a chance to relax as I traveled through the oak forest surrounded by strangers. And likely, the adrenaline of facing so many new cats had likely given me some weird form of strength in order to stand. But, as I slowly but surely adjusted to this new situation, and as the postpartum symptoms began to worsen, I almost wanted to ask Sandstorm or Cinderpelt to step away so that I could simply collapse onto the ground.

But that surely wouldn't be the best first impression, even with them knowing very well that I had just given birth. Also, there was no way that I was going to move any unnecessary muscle with my new kit in my mouth.

So, I attempted to stay strong and fully just give into the help that these two she-cats were giving me, trying to focus on the sweet mewls of my daughter as she dangled from my jaws.

And as I should have expected, Cinderpelt quickly noticed when I leaned just a bit more into her. "Are you alright?"

On my other side, I heard Sandstorm let out a sniff. "An interesting question to ask a she-cat who has just giving birth."

Cinderpelt then let out what sounded like a very taut purr. "I suppose so," she then muttered. Weirdly, with those words, it suddenly felt like I could cut the tension with one of Scourge's sharp claws, but it vanished as quickly as it had come. "Well?" the gray she-cat then prompted me.

I let out a deep sigh and gave a small shrug. "I have to admit, I am extremely tired..." I breathed in reply, trying my best to speak with a literal living thing in my mouth.

"Well, no worries – we'll be arriving to our camp at any moment now." Cinderpelt then purred, giving my sweet kit the lightest nudge with her nose. "You and your little one will be able to get plenty of rest."

"Thank you, really," I then meowed after another sigh, not being able to feel another rush of excitement with Cinderpelt's words. There was something about this new adventure and traveling to this new place that was so, so exciting for me. I haven't felt this way or experienced this feeling in such a long time... but it is one of the most amazing feelings, and I've missed it. "Where is your camp? What does it look like?"

"Oh, it's wonderful – a big ravine," Sandstorm replied. This immediately piqued my interest with all of the amazing ravines I'd gotten to see and stay in before. "It's just right for all of us, and it's surrounded by so many trees."

"Some cats in other Clans hiss at the thought of living in a place like it, but we like it just fine!" Cinderpelt then put in. She then gently flicked my kit's ear with her tail. "And everyone here will make sure that you're comfortable there."

After feeling another rush of relief and gratitude, I gave the gray she-cat a nod. "I see..." I then felt another rush as I recalled all that I had been told by Barley when I had been just a few moons old. And while I had basically received my confirmation of who these cats were, I hoped this would set it all in stone. "So, the other Clans live in different types of places? Like... maybe... marshes? Or the plains? Or by the water?"

As I had expected, Cinderpelt seemed immensely surprised by my words, and somewhat impressed. "Yes, they do," she replied happily. "ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan, to be exact."

No way...

I then looked over to Sandstorm as she let out a purr, and I met her confused, amazed emerald gaze. "Was that all a wild guess, or...?"

I then gave a shy shrug as I continued to try to hold back my excitement. "Heh, well, I may have heard about you all before, when I was little. Um..."

I then briefly closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Here's the real confirmation. Are these the same wild cats that I once begged to know so much about? "I don't know if you all know Barley? He's the one that first told me about these Clans."

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