Chapter 1

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"I can't do it!"

My legs were shaking so much that I thought that I would fling off of the rock I was standing on. I then completely closed one of my eyes, slowly stepping forward and trying to peer over the edge.

I squealed at the sight, jumping back to my old spot. "Ah, I can't do it!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the dark, dusty gray fluffy pelt of my father, Sparrow, approaching, his dark gray eyes glowing with amusement as I attempted to peer over the edge again. "Mist, it's okay," he meowed to me softly, giving me a reassuring nod. "Take a deep breath."

He then sniffed and rolled his eyes after I attempted just that. "A real one," he then purred. And after I took a moment to inhale more slowly, with my exhale sounding more like a frustrated huff, Sparrow went on. "Don't worry, I'm right here to catch you if your jump is lopsided."

"Okay..." I breathed. Starting to feel more encouraged, I gave my father an excited nod before trotting closer to the edge. "Okay!" I can do this! I can do this!

But as soon as the edge of the rock came into my sight again, I let out another squeal, cringed back, and covered my eyes with one of my paws. "Father, I can't!"

I stayed there with my eyes shut, now not just nervous because of my task of jumping off of the rock, but I was scared that Sparrow would begin to grow mad at me with how long I was taking.

However, just like the calm, patient father that he was, he simply sighed, closed his eyes for a moment, and then looked back at me warmly. "Mist, what do I always tell you?"

I slowly pulled my paw away from my face, staring back at my father with reluctant, nervous eyes.

So, Sparrow cocked one of his eyebrows, leaning his head towards me. "Replace the can't..." he began to murmur.

I let out a huff and sat down where I was. "Replace the can't..." I repeated sluggily.

When I didn't finish the sentence, Sparrow continued, raising both of his eyebrows. "...with a can."

"-with a can..." I finished, rolling my eyes.

Sparrow then let out a purr of amusement, giving me a sharp nod. "Right!"

I then closed my eyes, letting out another sigh, and letting those words sink in. "Father, I can."

"Right," Sparrow meowed warmly, continuing to nod as he slowly backed away from my rock. "You can do it, Mist."

This time, feeling more encouragement than ever, I began to knead my paws into the ground as I let the adrenaline and determination rush through my body. "Yes, I can do it!" I meowed enthusiastically, taking one more deep breath before bringing myself closer to the edge of the rock once again.

And this time, I decided to not look down at all. I can look down, but I sure won't!

I then simply took a moment to let the light breeze brush my fur and hopefully calm my fears just a bit. I then closed my eyes, took a single step back, and tried to imagine that light breeze carrying me as I then finally took a leap forward, only feeling a twinge of fear for the couple of heartbeats that I was in the air.

And almost simultaneously, I felt my paws land on the soft grass, and I don't think I had ever felt so accomplished in my entire life.

I then looked back at Sparrow to see his dark gray eyes glowing with warmth and pride. "Father, I did it!" I then squealed, running up to meet the tom.

I then felt the purrs that were rising in my throat become even louder as my father then nuzzled my head with his tail. "Yes, you did, Mist!"

Then, as he pulled me closer to him with his tail and began to nuzzle my head with his muzzle, I simply closed my eyes and continued to purr as my heart filled with so much affection. Sparrow is the most patient and encouraging father that I could ever want! I thought happily, looking up at my father to meet his bright gaze. There is no way that I could have made that jump without him.

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