Chapter 34

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I was certain now that there was no worse form of torture than what I was currently experiencing.

For one, I was in the most physical pain I thought I had ever been in – I was practically gasping for breath as my stomach felt it was being ripped into two.

To be honest, I was shocked that any cat could endure even half of this and still be alive.

Even more so, because another tortuous aspect of this experience was the fact that I was currently in the grip of two different Twolegs – the ones that owned this house and had stolen me away, I assumed. I had never looked at them long enough to be sure.

One of them had their paws on my stomach, giving it long, slow strokes, while the other was lightly petting between my ears. I had to admit, it didn't feel like the worst thing in the world, but if I were in any stable condition, they probably would have lost that paw of theirs right now.

Something else horrible beyond comprehension was that Wendell, who I'd hoped would be right next to me to support me, was several fox-lengths away from my at the Twolegs' urging. He was supposed to be right next to me, licking my cheek to calm me down, twinning his own tail with mine, and telling me that everything was going to be okay. I didn't get that opportunity or privilege last time, but I thought I was going to have it now...

Because these kits were going to come at absolutely any moment now, and trying to bring them into this world today had already felt like an eternity.

Just out of the corner of my eye, I could see Wendell pacing back and forth from his far away spot. "Mistpelt, you are doing so well, I promise," he called out to me, my spirits genuinely lifting when I heard his voice. I then heard him hiss as the Twoleg petting my head swatted him away. "You are so close!"

I was about to force out a reply to the tom's kind words, but instead had to let out a pained yowl as another surge of pain ran through my entire body, so unbearable that I almost thought I was going to fully black out for a moment.

I now had no choice but actually focus on the Twolegs' comfort as I continued to push – unfortunately, that's the only way this would end.

After taking the deepest breath that I could, I then tried to push with all my might, but at the same time, trying not to lose consciousness. Oh, StarClan – goodness gracious, give me strength...

I'm not sure if it was this prayer, Wendell's comforting and encouraging words from afar, or simply my desire to want this unbearable pain to end, but just moments later, I felt relief, and all of my pain seemed to disintegrate as I heard the Twolegs seem to let out cries of joy above me.

The next thing I knew, I went from complete misery to complete bliss and a soaring heart as one of the Twolegs then placed a single tiny sack in front of my flank. Oh my goodness...

It squirmed back and forth, and I couldn't help but just shake my head in amazement for a moment before urgently bending down and licking the thin coating away. You're safe, little one.

I then let out the loud purr that had been quickly rising in my throat as the two Twolegs seemed to back away, and simultaneously, a wonderful scent wafted over my as Wendell pressed his muzzle into my cheek, and gave me licks all over my face. "It's just the one, Mistpelt," he then meowed to me softly. "You did it."

I did it.

I then closed my eyes for a moment, simply drinking in my mate's scent before looking back down at my newest kit, my heart still soaring. It was letting out small, squeaky mews as it seemed to paw its way around, trying to find its way to my flank. I let out a purr, using my fluffy tail to gently guide it towards me. After a few heartbeats, I then gave it some space to try and find my belly, letting myself simply stare at it in awe.

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