Chapter 24

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To my disappointment, Barley and Ravenpaw had to depart soon after that trip to the nursery. However, I knew and was trying to tell myself that I would hopefully be seeing Barley again tomorrow before or after the battle.

And after all, once Barley left I allowed myself a little but of extra time to spend with Wrenkit – to play with her, feed her, and... make sure that she knew who her real mother was.

The little scrap had already seemed to grow so much in the past couple of days, and I absolutely hated to see what I was missing. But despite that, I knew that I had to remind myself of what Willowpelt had told me – now was the time to be selfish, if at any time. But time will be running out soon enough... thank goodness Scourge didn't threaten to fight a moon from now.

And so, the selfishness continued soon enough, and as the sky began to turn orange and pink that day, it was back to training, where I luckily was able to do at least some work with every single cat in the Clan. And while my break with Barley and Wrenkit had managed to replenish me a lot, I still found myself feeling more exhausted than before.

And by the time I was done, and had sent away the last group of the apprentices away, I actually sat down right where I was, letting out a long, heavy sigh.

And to my surprise, just after a few moments, I was able to catch the flame-colored pelt of Firestar approaching to stand by my side. "You've been working hard today, huh?"

I let out a small purr of amusement and another sigh. "Hopefully it looks like I have!"

Firestar also let out a purr and gave a shake of his head. "Of course," he then meowed, giving a dip of his head. "Thank you again for your help – I can tell everyone here feels a bit more at ease just knowing how BloodClan fights."

I then let out an eternal sigh, so relieved that my actions were indeed making a mark. And so relieved that I'm not pushing to my limit and abandoning my kit for nothing... "Aw, I'm glad I could do that for them," I replied warmly to the leader. "Is there anything else you'd like me to take care of tonight?"

"Oh, Mist, you've done plenty," Firestar meowed, once again to my relief. He then narrowed his eyes as we both stared out at the clearing full of training cats. "In fact, once moonhigh approaches, I'll probably be sending everyone to their dens – what's the use in fighting for our territory on no sleep?" After I let out another purr of amusement, the leader then gave me an inquisitive nod. "Until then, why don't you go out in the forest and get some air?"

I widened my eyes back at the tom. "Oh, Firestar, I couldn't-"

"I insist, Mist. Have you had a moment to breath for the past few days? You leave your Clan, and suddenly a kit is under your care. Then, you teach an entire group of cats fighting moves."

When I continued to hesitate, Firestar let out a sniff and nodded towards the camp entrance. "Take a stroll in the forest – clear your head," he urged on. He then gave a shrug. "You might as well get to know the territory anyway."

"Oh..." I answered simply as a quickly began to well up with guilt. I would absolutely hate to spend more time away from Wrenkit, or even away from ThunderClan if they need my help, but...

I then closed my eyes for a moment. But... I think I'm finding that most of my exhaustion is mental, not physical... though physical still very much exists.

And after a few moments, I opened my eyes again, letting out another sigh. I really do need the air... I'll need it in order to take on anything else.

I then gave a nod to Firestar. "Oh, alright. I will."

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