Chapter 22

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So far, I had been nothing but amazed by all of the chaos that I had gotten to witness in the last day. Honestly, it had already felt like I had been here in ThunderClan for an entire moon.

And honestly, it had never been so hard for me to stay put.

Sure, it was still hard to stay put with how I had lived my life as a young cat – not staying in one place for more than one full day – but with being involved with these wild cats – no, Clans – was a whole different story. It wasn't a matter of wanting to leave them. Not at all, actually. Rather, I was feeling incredibly antsy simply lying in this den as the Clan prepared for what seemed like the biggest fight they would ever have to endure.

Along with that, they were preparing to fight the cats that I had lived with for moons. And I couldn't believe how easy it was to root for ThunderClan instead, and how easy it felt to want to fight beside them.

But of course, despite all of that, I wasn't going to move a muscle.

I had been taken here to simply rest in this nursery, and to take care of this amazing, beautiful and perfect daughter that was currently snuggled deep into my flank, having just suckled and was now taking a light nap. And thank goodness the two of us are in this nursery at all...

After the two of us had spent last night in the medicine den, Cinderpelt had quickly given me the "okay" to move to the nursery and rest there instead. When I had carried my kit in there, I had been more than shocked to see that Fernpaw had already been putting a nest together for me. Then, later, Cloudtail (very warily) had brought me a small mouse to eat.

And after receiving another meal this morning from Bramblepaw, I had spent the day so enjoying my fresh moss nest, and simply staring down this incredible new life that somehow I had created just earlier yesterday. But soon, that won't be the case... I told myself. Eventually, it will just feel like yesterday...

And if all of this battle preparation wasn't going on, it would be all the more easy to just want to watch her and love her and stay next to her forever. I mean, that's the plan... what am I talking about?

And as I had for the past day and a half, I felt overwhelmed with love as I looked down at my tiny sleeping figure – still so amazed by her presence, and somehow even more amazed by just how much she looked like my mother. And if she becomes even the smallest sliver of who Chrissy was... I thought warmly as a purr began to rise in my throat, then I've done my job.

"It's hard to keep your eyes off of them, right?"

I then reluctantly broke my gaze from my daughter, looking over my shoulder as I heard Willowpelt, the other queen that I was currently sharing this den with, meow from the other side of the den. I then couldn't help but purr as the gray she-cat seemed to restlessly be trying to gather together her own kits – Sorrelkit, Sootkit, and Rainkit, who were all practically running in circles around her.

"Practically impossible," I meowed, laughter in my voice as I watched the three little balls of fluff bouncing around the den. "I don't think you could stand to look away from yours even if you wanted to!"

I then let out another purr as Willowpelt let out an exhausted sigh before proceeding to narrow her eyes. "Well, as a matter of fact..."

I then flicked my ears in surprise as she seemed to nod to the den entrance, and I followed her gaze to see the light ginger pelt of Sandstorm crawling in. "Sandstorm, is Whitestorm out there?"

Sandstorm quickly gave a nod, her emerald eyes full of concern. "Yes, he is. He was just finishing his mouse," she answered. "Do you want me to get him for you?"

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