Chapter 37

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"Alright, Mist, I'm throwing this up to you!"


From the chair I was currently standing on, I gaped open my jaws and braced myself for the weight as I watched Wendell toss up a sturdy red sofa cushion up to me. I let out a grunt as I just barely was able to get it in my jaws.

Below me, I could see Wendell's eyes briefly flashing with panic. "Hold on! I'll be right there!"

You best.

I tried my best to keep my grip on the heavy object, attempting to just focus on Wendell's dark brown tabby pelt as he jumped up swiftly, first landing on the chair that I was on, and then leaping up just a couple of tail-lengths on top of a stack of other cushions and boxes. I then couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as I saw him lower his head and open his own jaws.

With all of the strength that I could muster up, I thrusted the cushion up to my mate with a determined growl. I then let out another relieved sigh as Wendell made an impressive catch despite my flimsy throw.

As soon as I was sure he had it in his jaws, I then leapt up to where he was, and then leapt up another couple of tail-lengths to another stack of items. "Okay, throw it to me!"

Just a moment later, Wendell threw the cushion up to me, and now despite my growing fatigue and weakening teeth, I caught the cushion once again.

I'm almost done.

Now filled with a new rush of adrenaline and determination, I made sure that I had a firm grip and simply began to drag the cushion away from the edge of the box I was on. Once the cushion was fully on the flat top of the box, I readjusted my grip on it and simply scooted backwards until it was more centered on top.

I stopped once I didn't have many more room to go backwards, and I let out a huff and took a moment to catch my breath. Geez Louise, how have we been doing this all night and all morning?

"You alright up there?" I heard Wendell call up to me.

"Yeah..." I murmured in reply, immediately taking another deep breath. "Oh, yeah."

I then took one last leap, landing on top of the red cushion. Then, as I looked down from the top of our several stacks, I let out a sniff as I saw Wendell, who was now down on the basement floor. "Aw, you look so small down there."

Wendell also let out an amused sniff and tilted his head. "Am I seriously what you're looking at right now?"

I cocked an eyebrow back at the tom and gave a shrug. "I mean, you're pretty nice to look at."

He then rolled his eyes and purred. "Thank you, you're nice to look at too." I then watched curiously as he let out a sigh and flicked his tail, his eyes fill of certainty and sorrow. "But I'm just saying, you may want to look behind you."

Oh, dear.

For a moment, I could only return Wendell's look, almost not wanting to do as he said. I knew what I would find.

But at the same time, it was my excitement that finally brought me to turn around.

Right in front of my, there wasn't just a dark, sad wall in front of her. In fact, I was practically blinded by the morning sunlight as I was pretty much staring straight into the basement window – a basement window that once stood several tail-lengths above me.

Here it was. My way out of here.

And now all that was standing between me and the rest of the world was a small lever on the window that would unlock it, and allow me to open it.

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