Chapter 9

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For a few moments, I was speechless as I stared back at this mysterious cat, whose blue gaze was burning into me so strongly that I thought smoke was going to start rising from my head.

Even though I really didn't want to admit it, I was very, very intimidated by this cat. The hostile look on his face was enough, but that dog claw-filled collar around his neck certainly wasn't doing him any favors. Although I am proving that I can be very intimidated, as those snarky cats from before seemed to think, I think that any cat would take a pawstep back after one glance at this tom... I thought, looking at the tom up and down as subtly as I could. He is small for his age, but that's got nothing on him.

However, I found myself focusing on that fact as I finally took a deep breath and attempted to speak, trying to calmly repeat the method I had used earlier. "I'm sorry, I suppose I don't necessarily think that I'm allowed here... I was just passing through."

I then quickly realized that my demeanor looked quite cowardly, my head slightly lowered with my tail down. So, I forced myself to straighten up and puff out my chest just a bit, now knowing that it was vital that I stand my ground with these weird Twolegplace cats. "Is that allowed?" I then continued.

As I had hoped, this strange tom actually blinked in surprise, only looking daunted for a moment before letting out a hiss and taking a step closer to me. "Passing through or not, I know for a fact that you're not apart of BloodClan," he muttered to me through gritted teeth, his fur beginning to bristle. "And with that in mind, you are not allowed here!"

After those words, I couldn't tell if I wanted to snicker or let out an alarmed gasp. BloodClan? Good gosh... that sounds scary to say the least... I then thought. But now I have confirmation that these cats are indeed some sort of weird close-knit group.

But my question was, why were they all acting like this Twolegplace was theirs and theirs only? Having been a cat that had had free-reign of any area I had wanted to my entire life, I honestly couldn't fathom a group taking over an entire area and not allowing other cats in, and confronting them if they tried to get in.

I then flicked my ears as I realized something. Huh, but that's exactly how Barley seemed to describe the wild cats too... are these a group of wild cats that Barley didn't tell me about?

I then slightly narrowed my eyes. Or... the group he didn't want to tell me about?

I had to quickly shake off that thought, deciding to speak my thoughts to this tom out loud. "Last time I checked, a group of cats couldn't take over an entire city," I tried to meow confidently, luckily recalling the term these cats likely used as opposed to "Twolegplace".

"Sure. Not until I showed up," the black tom then meowed smugly as he puffed his own chest out.

I found myself raising my eyebrows. Wait a moment... I thought. Is this the cat those two snarkers from earlier were talking about? The one who would apparently care to know that I was here?

Before I could ponder that, the tom went on, taking another step closer to me. "And I decide who stays and who goes. You go."

Despite how intimidated I still was, I forced myself to also take a step towards him. "Why do I automatically have to go?"

The tom's fur continued to rise as his gaze still burned into my own. "Newcomers around here go unless I decide that they're worthwhile," he muttered tautly. Then, to my surprise, he turned around and began to walk away.

But apparently my mouth wasn't finished yet. "Well, I don't think that's very fair," I called back, then almost slapping my tail over my mouth – that being something I had not at all meant to say out loud.

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