Chapter 14

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Countless weird, foreign voices were flowing into my ears from where I stood behind one of the countless silver cylinder objects scattered around the city, peering past it at a small open area ahead, where several Twolegs were gathered.

They all seemed to be sitting in their own weird way, with their hind legs dangling down as they settled on some weird object. They were gathered in pairs, with a wooden platform between each of them. On that platform seemed to be their meal that they were picking from.

Immediately in front of me, and right in my view, was a very delicious-looking Twoleg meal – a soft beige concoction on the top and bottom that had something that looked like leaves and meat in between them.

And from where I was, it smelled delicious.

The two Twolegs around this specific meal – a male and a female – seemed pretty preoccupied speaking with each other and purring, I thought. But after a few moments, I then raised my eyebrows as I watched the female Twoleg stretch out one of her paws, and then proceed to intertwine it with the male Twoleg's. It then led the two to simply stare into each other's eyes, which were both sparkling like nothing I'd ever seen.

Is that the equivalent of intertwining tails, maybe? I couldn't help but wonder. Like Sparrow and Chrissy did all of the time?

Suddenly feeling another overwhelming wave of grief, I shook my head, physically and mentally shaking that thought away as I took a small step forward, deciding that I would make my move while the two were... distracted...

I then pelted forward without hesitation, leapt up at the moment that felt right, and then snatched the food in my jaws. I then pelted away, not looking back as the two Twolegs yowled and gasped behind me.

Once I thought that I was in the clear and completely out of sight, I then slowed down to a trot, letting out a satisfied sigh despite my full mouth. Nice one, Mist, I thought as I then walked confidently through the Twolegplace.

And now being here for nearly half a moon, navigation around this place already felt so, so much easier. But goodness, has it only felt like a few heartbeats...

And as I traveled now, I didn't feel tense, or fear anything that I might find in my journey. Cats who looked at me didn't bat an eye, and those who did quickly noticed who I was, and that I wasn't a stranger anymore. They know me as the weird traveling fluffy cat that managed to fight a dog despite never having fought in my life... I realized, making me purr quietly in amusement. It works, I suppose.

I still had an incredibly long way to go, of course, but I was beginning to make my place here – something that would have sounded outrageous to Mist from just a few quarter moons ago. But here we are... I thought, letting out a huff as I finally arrived to the BloodClan camp. I've actually made my place – something I never thought I'd do.

I then eagerly padded into the main clearing, blinking and nodding to cats in greeting as I set down my catch, honestly so excited to present it.

Almost immediately, I recognized the long tabby fur of Fury – a she-cat that was just a bit older than me – approaching out of the corner of my eye. She seemed to be intently observing my Twoleg food, her one good eye surprised and curious. "Hey, I haven't seen one of those in a while," she then muttered. "How'd you manage to get one?"

I gave the food a small push towards Fury so that she could further give it a look. "It was at one of those weird places where Twolegs sit and eat at..." I finally tried to grasp the word that I hadn't been able to recall at all earlier during my hunt. "What are they called, tables?"

I then looked down at my catch, my head shaking slowly. "It's one of the strangest things that I've ever seen!" But it smells pretty darn good, however. "What is it?"

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