Chapter 18

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"Are you seriously going for another burger?"

I flicked my ears in alarm and turned around at the voice I heard behind me, and I found I was already trying to keep my temper as I met the single amber eye of Fury. "I could've sworn that I saw you eat an entire cheeseburger earlier," she then muttered, her eye narrowing.

I simply stared back at the larger she-cat for a moment, eventually deciding to let the second cheeseburger that was in my jaws fall down to my paws. "You swear correctly," I replied to Fury tautly. "But I wasn't going to eat this one. I was... actually going to..."

I then hoped that I was covering my panic and irritation as I tried to whip up some excuse. "...get rid of it," I then meowed as nonchalantly as I could. "It's smelling a little off, so I thought I'd take it out."

"Okay..." Fury murmured, her expression not changing one bit, to my dismay. "Then why did you drop it as soon as I asked you about it?"

I stared at the tabby dubiously for yet another moment. " was heavy?"

With a reply like that, I honestly half expected Fury to drag Scourge from wherever he was in the forest and ask him to kick my thistlefluffed brain out of this Clan.

But instead, she simply stared blankly back at me, eventually letting out a huff and shaking her head. "Whatever," she sighed as she then began to pad away. "Fine, then get rid of it. Hopefully that first burger you ate wasn't bad too."

For a moment, I tried my best to remain in place as I watched Fury walk out of my sight. However, as soon as she was, I snatched the burger I had dropped right back into my jaws and proceeded to bolt out of the BloodClan camp with everything that I had in me.

And once I was out, I turned left, ran past the building adjacent to the camp, and then turned the corner to ensure that no cat could see me.

I then practically skidded to a stop, crouching down next to a trash can and setting the burger down in front of my paws. No, Fury, that first burger was not bad at all...

I then looked down at the burger at my paws as I licked my lips. And neither is this one... I thought excitedly before proceeding to fully devour it, probably more ravenously than I'd ever eaten anything in my entire life.

And it felt like only a few heartbeats later that the burger was then completely gone, to me and my stomach's complete sadness. I had never wished more badly that I could go back in time and reexperience anything.

Instead I was lying by that trash can, empty-pawed and still completely amazed by the huge appetite I had been experiencing lately. Nothing I eat ever feels like enough, I thought to myself in frustration. I could eat everything and it would still feel like I've eaten absolutely nothing!

It was already completely frustrating on its own, but the fact that cats were now beginning to notice made things even worse. Fury certainly was bold to question my eating choices, but I should only expect so much from these cats I'm living with... I then told myself. But goodness, who was she to tell me that it was okay for me to get rid of the burger?

I then couldn't help but let out a small hiss of frustration as I continued to think about that one-eyed she-cat, who really seemed to think she was in charge when both Scourge and Bone were out of camp. Which, unfortunately, was now happening more and more often.

I didn't think it was possible, but things had seemed to get even more serious with the task in the forest, causing Scourge to make himself scarce more than ever, and causing him to bring Bone with him now every so often.

But despite this, I was all the more clueless and uninformed.

With my annoyingly curious head, of course I had tried to get more out of Scourge, but all that the black tom ever did was continue to be so incredibly vague and annoyed that I would even ask. But... simultaneously he was so confident and reassuring that I felt like I didn't need to or shouldn't ask him about it at all.

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