Chapter 25

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Everything was eerily silent despite the many, many cats that stood in the place that I now knew to be called Fourtrees – the place where all four of the Clans met every full moon in a truce.

Of course, I knew that now, the truce that was happening here was more needed and vital than ever – with all four Clans gathered together now, ready to face the treachery that was BloodClan.

As of now, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan had made it to the hollow, and I was incredibly antsy at the thought of BloodClan possibly arriving before WindClan had the chance to do it first. And what about Ravenpaw and Barley? I then thought anxiously as I frantically scanned my eyes around the clearing, having hoped that I'd be able to see my old friend before the chaos that could lead to... who knows what.

And to be honest, I was more than thankful that Firestar had trusted me and allowed me to fight in this battle, rather than having to stay back at camp and simply wonder what was happening, and worry about whether or not cats I cared about – like Barley – were okay.

As soon as I had returned to camp the night before, I luckily had quickly found Firestar standing outside of his den, and after I had expressed my desire and passion to fight with them, he barely showed hesitation and honestly seemed relieved that yet another set of paws would be on their side.

Of course, the one thing that I hated about this was the fact that I wasn't with my dear Wrenkit. However, I was glad that the little one was safe back at camp, and in a way, I actually felt like I was protecting her and taking care of her just as much in this way – fighting to protect my new home.

I then flicked my ears, surprised by my own internal words. Is this my new home? I then couldn't help but ask myself. I mean, I've stayed with them for a few days now, and I'm fighting with them... but so are Ravenpaw and Barley. Either way, do I want this to be my new home?

I then sniffed, tilting my head to the side. Maybe.

I then gave a quick shake of my own head. Definitely not the most pressing matter right now, I told myself, trying to stay in the moment as I watched some of the Clan cats wander the area and listen to Firestar's directions.

"Graystripe, Mousefur – scout around the hollow," the flame-colored tom commanded two of his cats. "Don't show yourselves. If you see any cats, come back and tell me."

And after Graystripe and Mousefur did as they were told, I genuinely wasn't sure if they were only gone for a few moments, or several, but soon enough, I pulled myself out of my anxious, swirling thoughts once again as I noticed Graystripe emerge back into the clearing, followed by a very tall, lean black and white tom that I had never seen before.

And just as I furrowed my eyebrows in intrigue and confusion, I felt a cat's warmth breath right next to my ear. "That's Tallstar, leader of WindClan," Sandstorm muttered to me as she brushed past me. She then let out a sniff, looking over her shoulder back at me with narrowed eyes. "About time he showed up."

I was able to give the light ginger she-cat a small purr of amusement in response before the WindClan leader began to speak on the other side of the clearing. "Greetings, Firestar," the tom called out as he padded forward to meet the ginger tom. "WindClan are here. All our warriors – and your friends, Barley and Ravenpaw."

Wait, really?

I was then overwhelmed with relief and joy at Tallstar's words, and I actually had to hold back a purr as Ravenpaw and Barley came into sight. Barley and I immediately locked gazes, his blue eyes also full of relief, as him and his dear friend also padded up to approach Firestar.

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