Chapter 16

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It was nearly moonhigh, and I was one of the last cats awake in the BloodClan camp.

After a day spent hunting for food and then standing guard at the camp entrance, I had eaten a quarter of a cheeseburger and then settled near one of the camp corners – sharpening my claws on some old chicken bones. The moon was casting over my paws perfectly, giving me the exact view I needed as it rose higher into the sky.

So, I blinked in surprise when eventually a shadow was cast over my work, and I looked up to see the patchy black and white tortoiseshell pelt of Gremlin approaching me, her green eyes bright through the darkness.

She came to a stop after I gave her a lash in greeting, and took a glance down at my paws. "They as sharp as Scourge's yet?"

I purred in amusement and followed the she-cat's gaze. "Ah, these?" I asked her, further unsheathing my claws and looking at one of my paws more closely. "Even if they were, they aren't nearly as big as his! I don't know what kind of genes that cat has." Or where the heck he is...

But I shook off that thought as Gremlin let out another purr. "No kidding!" she exclaimed before then sitting down next to me. "But anyway, tomorrow, are you up for coming with me to chase away a couple of rascals who have been wandering around the Twolegplace?"

"Ooo, what kind of rascals?" I asked excitedly as I shifted a bit closer to the she-cat.

"Oh, I caught them digging through a trash can when I was out earlier, and I don't think any other BloodClan cats would be happy to find out that they're here," Gremlin replied, giving a roll of her eyes. She then gave me a hard nudge on the shoulder with her tail. "And I thought that with your amazing fighting skills and that long fur of yours making you look triple your size when it bristles, we'd be able to scare them off in no time!"

"Aw, you flatter me!" I purred, giving Gremlin a hard nudge back. "But I am totally up for that. First thing in the morning?"

Gremlin snorted, looking off as if the two cats she were talking about were just a little ways away. "Please, those idiots probably won't be awake until sunhigh!"

"Then twilight it is!"

Gremlin let out a mrrow of laughter. "You're very wise," she then meowed, standing up and giving a shake of her fur. "See you then, Mist."

I gave a nod in farewell as the tortoiseshell then turned away, heading off to where I assumed her nest was. "Bye!" I quietly called out before promptly continuing on my claws, not being able to help feeling a twinge of satisfaction at being asked to join someone on an expedition.

Sure, Gremlin and I had become acquainted, but it still was an indication to me that I was really beginning to fit into this Clan. When I first arrived here I was only a nuisance and a burden, when I got accepted into the Clan, I was just a bit of an annoyance, and now... I'm just... accepted? Rather than being pushed away, I'm being embraced?

I then let out a sniff. Well, "embraced" sounds like too warm of a words to use for these cats... but either way...

I then realized I was shaking my head slowly in amazement as I dove deeper into my thoughts. I'm a BloodClan cat... and I guess this is really my home now. For the rest of my life. It was by no means paradise, it never had been, but it was home. And I was almost thankful that it was more familiar to me than the forest ever had been. Or, at least, I want it to be.

I then was thankful to be pulled out my thoughts once again when yet another shadow was cast over my task. I shook my head quickly, feeling a twinge of hope that then exploded out into excitement as I quickly recognized the lithe shape of Scourge slinking back into camp, appearing to finally be returning from wherever he'd been the entire day.

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