Chapter 26

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"Um... mother?"

As a small, sweet voice flowed into my ears, I was slowly pulled into consciousness, sunlight already beginning to leak through my blinking lids.


I then fully opened my eyes, my heart already soaring as I immediately met the beautiful hazel eyes of Wrenkit, the eyes that were glowing with both excitement but worry at the same time.

I let out a purr and gave my daughter a lick on the head. "Good morning, sweetheart."

I then was surprised to see Wrenkit take a step back, her eyes now wide. "I'm sorry! I really didn't want to wake you..."

I let out another purr, honestly amused that Wrenkit seemed to be acting like she had committed a crime. "That's okay, my love!" I meowed to her, flicking one of her small ears with my tail as I stood up. "Is something the matter?"

"No, not at all!" Wrenkit replied, shaking her head quickly. "Actually, I just wanted to ask if I could go over to the medicine den?"

With those words, I immediately felt my heart drop and my eyes widen. "The medicine den?" I pressed to my daughter, my voice rising with worry. "Why? Are you sick?" And she caught that she was sick before I did? What kind of mother am I?

"Oh, no! I feel just fine!" Wrenkit quickly reassured me, causing me to let out a huff of relief. "I actually wanted to go see Sandstorm!"

My heart dropped a second time. "Wait... Sandstorm is in the medicine den?" Apparently I can't tell what is wrong with my friends either!

"Yeah!" Wrenkit said in a surprisingly enthusiastic way. I then raised my eyebrows as I noticed she seemed to be holding back a squeal. "She had her kits!"

I then closed my eyes and let out a sigh. "Oh, well if..."

I then let out a gasp and took a step back as my daughter's words fully processed, and I suddenly felt as if I could leap to the top of the Highrock from the ground. "Oh my goodness, Sandstorm had her kits!?"

Wrenkit simply nodded back at me excitedly. "Yeah!"

Then, without wasting another moment, I let out a squeal and practically leaped out of our moss nest. "Then what are we waiting for?" I then exclaimed before picking up Wrenkit in my jaws and bursting out of the den. "Let's go see Sandstorm and her kits!"

Wrenkit was mrrowing with laughter and I then pelted across camp, feeling as if I was running on air with this exciting news that I'd just been told. Luckily, the camp was fairly empty with cats either still asleep or gone on patrol – which was good, considering my excitement was practically sending me forward without me thinking to look in either direction.

Sure, I had known that Sandstorm was expecting for a little while now, and I had been so excited to hear that one of my new closest friends in this Clan was going to be in the nursery with me. And our kits will be able to spend time together! I then realized as I ran across camp. It seriously is so nice to have these kinds of things I look forward to...

I then had to suppress a purr as I thought about Wrenkit, who was warming my heart as she continued to laugh in my jaws. And luckily for those new kits, any cat would feel honored to be friends with this little one, I thought as I was filled with gratitude and pride. She is already growing up to become so kind, thoughtful, witty, curious, and bright. A bit shy, but there's nothing wrong with that.

I genuinely always felt so thankful that I could fully enjoy raising her, and I couldn't help but wonder if where she was being raised, along with who wasn't helping me raise her had something to do with it, however, that wasn't worth thinking about. Wrenkit was the most amazing cat to me, and I was just glad that she was becoming the cat that she was.

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