Chapter 23

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The next day simultaneously came in what felt like two seasons and two heartbeats. And already, sunhigh was fast approaching.

Despite the sun's heat, a light breeze brushed through my long fur and chilled my front paw as I rose it up in the air. And I could feel both bewildered and curious gazes burning into me as I then explained the simple motion.

"StarClan forbid you'll ever have to use this, however... it is useful if the circumstances come to it," I warily explained to the cats in front of me. "I know that you all are taught to slice throats, but this approach is a little different..."

I then very gently demonstrated my words, slowly beginning to lower my paw down to the ravine ground. "Instead of slashing sideways, I was taught to slash downwards – towards me, if that makes sense."

As I then looked back up, I quickly noticed the intent pale blue gaze of the newly-made warrior, Thornclaw, staring back at me. "What's the difference between going in either direction?"

I gave the young golden brown tabby tom a shrug. "Well, while either could do a lot of damage, I was told it's almost..." I then paused for a moment as I felt a chill run down my spine. "easier to come from above as opposed to the side. It almost gives you more momentum, and it's less awkward. Here..."

Then, after a deep breath, I took a glance down at the clump of moss that was at my paws, and then proceeded to demonstrate the slash on it, causing little green bits to fly around me. "And because a little more is going into the slash, you'd likely get the result that you want."

I then noticed Brightheart's white and ginger head nodding out of the corner of my eye. "I see... that makes sense!" the she-cat exclaimed. She then nodded to the moss I had just attacked. "Could I have a go?"

So excited that one of the cats I was teaching was showing some enthusiasm, I eagerly stepped back and gave a lash of my tail. "Of course! Go for it!"

And with that, I simply watched as Brightheart pawed at the moss, bringing it over to where she had been standing. Then, after she shifted a bit – likely trying to adjust and accommodate for the one good eye she had – she lifted her paw up in the air and then slashed at the clump.

And my mouth immediately dropped as I saw that she had managed to completely slice the moss in half. "Wow, that was amazing!" I breathed.

"Well, of course it was."

I then rolled my eyes as I watched Cloudtail pad up to stand next to his mate, giving her a nuzzle of her neck fur with his muzzle. "These BloodClan cats will never know what hit them!"

"Yeah – that was great, Brightheart," Thornclaw then meowed, giving his sister a nod. "Really."

Brightheart also gave a roll of her one good eye, flashing both her mate and her brother an affectionate, grateful look. "Oh, please." She then nodded to me. "These moves make it all significantly easier. Thank you, Mist."

"Oh, whatever," Cloudtail then huffed, causing me to let out a sigh. "For all we know she's still plotting against us."

I then raised my eyebrows in surprise as the fluffy white tom then flashed me a shy look full of reluctance. "Maybe."

"These are really moves that you learned in BloodClan?" Thornclaw then asked me, his blue eyes narrowed with both fascination and wariness.

I sighed and gave a shrug, having no reason to lie to the young tom. "...Unfortunately," I admitted. "In fact... I learned them all from Scourge himself."

I then shifted my gaze quickly over to Cloudtail and Brightheart, who were both now staring back at me in shock. "I'm not sure if that gives me more or less credibility..." I then muttered sheepishly.

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