Chapter 35

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My heart was soaring, my fur tingling with excitement and affection as I adjusted the soft pile of fluff in front of me with my paws.

And as I saw the ecstatic little black and white fluff that was bouncing back and forth out of the corner of my eye. "Alright, Oreo. You ready?" I purred to my son, who had been waiting patiently for what I was sure had felt like several seasons.

As I had expected, the little tom immediately gave me an eager nod. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" he practically squealed to me in reply. "Can I run through now?"

I quickly raised my tail up at my son. "Hold on, let me check one more time..." I murmured to me, fluffing up the white pile one more time as I then bent down to give it a sniff. These are some of the weirdest things I've ever seen... I thought to myself. They're like little balls of snow, but they aren't cold. And snow doesn't smell this weird.

I then lifted my head, giving Oreo a nod in confirmation. "Have at it!"

I then watched, my heart still swelling with love, as my son crouched down, wiggling his little rump back and forth as if to prep himself. He then ran forward, bursting straight through the fluffy balls and proceeding to let out an excited squeal as the balls flew everywhere and landed all over the basement.

I then had to let out a purr of amusement as Oreo then came to a stop, simply looking around in awe. "That was so fun!"

"I'm glad it's still fun after eight times!" I purred to my son, flicking one of the fluffy white balls with my tail.

"Nine, actually."

I let out a sniff, looking over my shoulder to follow the voice that I had just heard, and to give an affectionate look back at Wendell, who was dragging a red chair cushion towards my favorite basement window.. I was met with a warm, amused, yet sympathetic gaze. "Want me to take over for the tenth one?" the tom meowed a little more quietly to me.

"No, no!" I insisted to my mate as I then began to pad around the basement, gathering the fluffy white balls back into another pile. I'd barely started, but I hated to admit that I was already running out of breath. "I'm okay!" I then slightly lied.

As I had predicted, Wendell picked up on that slight. "Mist..." he then murmured, cocking a single eyebrow at me.

I sighed, knowing the fight wouldn't be worth it. "Okay, fine. We can switch."

"Thank goodness," Wendell breathed as he gestured to something deeper into the basement. "I was about to drag a cushion bigger than this one over here, and I was dreading it."

"Oh, you poor thing," I muttered as I gave a roll of my eyes. I then purred, padding up to Wendell and touching my nose briefly with his. "Thank you."

"Always," the tom then meowed gently, proceeding to touch his nose to my ear and then brush past me. "Oreo, can you help me gather all of these cotton balls?"

Ah... cotton balls.

"Totally!" Oreo immediately mewed, bringing me and Wendell to exchange a warm gaze. A kit that does what he's told is about all the two of us could as for!

I then let out a satisfied sigh, lying down on the cold basement ground and watching full of affection as I watched Wendell and Oreo begin to gather all of the cotton balls, putting them all into the pile I had started.

As they did so, the two toms seemed to be exchanging teasing words to each other that I had a harder time hearing as they got deeper into the basement. Whatever they were saying to each other, it eventually led Wendell to let out a loud purr and then nuzzle Oreo's little head with his tail.

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