Chapter 28

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The scent of the forest lingered in the air, a cruel reminder of the life I was being ripped away from as I was pulled away from the large monster that I knew my daughter was shut inside.

I actually managed to feel the smallest twinge of happiness, knowing full well that I was giving the Twoleg that was carrying me a hard time. His grunts of struggle were obvious, and his grip seemed to loosen just a bit as I practically went berserk – yowling until I gave myself a headache, and my unsheathed claws slashing in every possible direction.

A cat or any other creature on earth would think that I was losing my mind, which I had to admit wasn't far from the truth. Being ripped away from what I felt was my true home had been horrible enough, but that suddenly felt as inadequate as the smallest mosquito once Wrenkit had been put in that cage – a cage that I already knew was going to be separate from wherever I was going.

And I continued to fight – as useless as I knew it would be – when sure enough, the idiot Twoleg that still had me in his paws began to carry me towards the other large monster. And almost just as rapidly as the Twolegs had done with my daughter, they opened up a cage in the other monster, and didn't give me even a half of a heartbeat to try and escape as they practically threw me inside.

I then almost felt as if I was being struck by lightning as I heard the bang of the cage shutting, following by what I was sure was them locking it shut. It had the same effect – resulting in my fur bristled out, my bones weak, and my heart practically stopping.

I was trapped.

And when the large, heavy door at the back of the monster closed shut, its noise echoing like it could spread through the whole earth, my last bit of hope disappeared.

And I practically felt numb with shock as I let myself sink down to the frigid floor of the tiny encapsulation, the equally cold air seeming to dig deep down under every single piece of fur that I had. And my mind seem to be swirling with every single negative thought and simultaneously with absolute nothingness as the monster then began to move, all of the other metal cages quivering as the vehicle shook back and forth.

The journey was a tumultuous ride, each bump and jolt a painful echo of the distance growing between ThunderClan and me. For the entirety of the travel, all I felt I could do was stand there, my legs sprawled out, my claws unsheathed, and my fur bristling out so much that it was brushing against the walls of the cage as I just stared ahead at the void of complete darkness.

And with how eternal the ride felt, with the sounds of the quivering cages, the rumbling of the monster, the bumps that it made that sometimes brought me to be airborne, and the darkness around me, I honestly felt as if I was dying, or that I might as well be dead.

In fact, this felt like a fate worse than death.

However, I managed to somewhat snap out of my complete dejection once I felt the monster come to what felt like a complete stop, causing my unsheathed claws to uncomfortably scrape against the cage floor.

And after waiting a few more moments, I could now be sure that the truck had now come to a full halt.

I had no idea how to feel about this. Because no matter what, right at this moment, I had no idea what would be waiting for me outside of this monster.

I then found myself letting out a hiss, my eyes quickly shutting as I then was practically blinded by the Twolegs opening up the back of the monster once again, an overwhelming amount of sunlight breaking through, and exposing me to the harsh reality outside.

Then, the Twolegs from before seemed to burst in there as quickly as if they were the ones that were being held captive, several of them sprinting into the monster's belly and grabbing cages – cats looking just as angry, fearful, or confused as I was trapped within the small bars.

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