Chapter 29

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I never realized that so many types of restraints for cats existed.

I was in a new one now - this one feeling smaller and more compact than the one I'd been carried to the animal shelter in, with only a few vertical holes for me to see out of, and caged bars only on one end of it. The bottom of it was cushioned, and I had to admit that it felt incredibly soft on my paws – maybe even a bit softer than grass or moss.

But of course, that didn't matter to me at all or bring me any comfort. The fact that I was in this confined space, being carried by two Twolegs that for some reason found it exciting to claim ownership of a cat that had been ripped away from its home and from its daughter, filled me with nothing but anger.

And for the second time that day, I'd had to endure another ride in a monster, luckily, this one a little less shaky, and not nearly as dark.

But of course, that didn't matter to me at all or bring me any comfort. The fact that I was in this confined space, being carried by two Twolegs that for some reason found it exciting to claim ownership of a cat that had been ripped away from its home and from its daughter, filled me with nothing but anger.

And luckily, just like last time, the monster had come to a stop, and I was exposed to small slits of a view of the outside once again, small streaks of sunlight breaking through them and lighting my small space.

But of course, that didn't matter to me at all or bring me any comfort. The fact that I was in this confined space, being carried by two Twolegs that for some reason found it exciting to claim ownership of a cat that had been ripped away from its home and from its daughter, filled me with nothing but anger.

Can you tell I'm losing my mind a little?

And all I felt I could do at this point was continue to spiral downward, back in my original, malicious state as I yowled within my small confinement, attempting to fill up every single part of that cage with my scratches. Sure, I was hoping that I could scare the Twolegs and annoy them to death, but I also was trying to do everything that I could to get them to hate me and to get rid of me.

I'm not sure if they were on a mission to try and fix the most demonic and aggressive cat that they could find in the shelter, or assumed that I was just being hostile for the time being, but either way, they were stupid as heck for picking me.

But I probably looked stupid as heck to anyone that could see the scene occurring as I was carried by one of the Twolegs out of the monster. As far as I could tell – to my complete annoyance – these two furless mouth-breathers didn't seem to care that I was going berserk for the hundredth time today.

And as they opened their front door to their Twoleg nest and brought me inside, I let out a yowl, surprised as the cage landed hard on the ground, causing me to land on my back on the plush flooring. It appeared as if I had been set down.

I quickly scrambled to my paws, and I actually let out a gasp when almost simultaneously, the cage's door opened – representing what was supposed to be freedom, for some reason.

Well, I suppose receiving free reign to rip two Twolegs to shreds and then leave their dumpster of a nest would eventually lead to freedom.

Suddenly being filled with determination and excitement, I burst out of the cage, my claws already unsheathed and my teeth barred as a growl was rising in my throat.

It was time for a heathen to outsmart two other heathens.

I blinked in surprise when I couldn't immediately see the two Twolegs in front of me. And after whipping my head from side to side, and still not seeing them, I practically threw myself to my side and pelted to the other end of the cage, assuming that they had been standing just behind my confinement.

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