- ͙۪۪̥˚𝟬𝟮┊❛ 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *.✧.* :✦. ─── ✧

"Seriously, dad. Walking would've been fine," Miles tried to reason with his dad after a long period of silence, lifting his head off the back of his seat.

After getting caught ( or ( Y/N )'s theory being right ), Jefferson took this as an opportunity to drop him off at Visions Academy. For half of the ride, he was texting ( Y/N ), hoping his dad wouldn't notice. Or in Miles's eyes, this was a chance at giving a lecture to stop putting those stickers up.

"You can walk plenty on a Saturday when you and ( Y/N ) pull those stickers off," Jefferson replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

Miles's eyes widened. "You saw that?! I don't think that was us, dad."

"And the two from yesterday on Clinton," Jefferson added.

"Yeah. Those were me," Miles sighed. "But ( Y/N ) had nothing to do with those."

Trying to think of anything that could bridge the gap between him and Miles, Jefferson's eyes drifted from the road ahead to one of those new hipster coffee shops, filling up with all kinds of life.

"So...look at that. They got a new coffee shop," Jefferson pointed out. "You see that Miles?"

Miles rested his cheek on his fist, staring out the window. "Totally. Yeah."

"What's that one called?" Jefferson wondered.

"Foam Party,"

Jefferson craned his neck to the backseat. "Foam party?!" He let out a chuckle before turning back to the road. "Come on. And everyone is just lining up. You see that, Miles?"

"See it,"

"Is that a coffee shop or a disco?" Jefferson chuckled.

Miles rolled his eyes. "Dad, you're old."

His eyes drifted to a tv near the subway, playing a news report of Spider-Man, swinging through the city while holding a civilian in the other arm. Jefferson scoffed. "Spider-Man. Swings in once a day, zip-zap-zop and answers to no one, right?"

"Yeah, dad. Yeah,"

"And meanwhile, my guys are out there, lives on the line," Jefferson continued his rant. "No mask. You know we show our faces."

Miles's eyes widened as he spotted a group of kids heading near the direction they were in. "Dad, speed up. I know these kids!"

"You know with great ability with comes with great accountability,"

"That not even how the saying goes, dad," Miles told him.

"I do like his cereal, though," Jefferson muttered. "I'll give him that."

The kids made it towards the police car, spotting Miles sitting in the back seat. Miles ducked down, trying to cover his face as one kid started taking pictures. "Oh, my gosh! Don't cops run red lights?"

"Some do, but not your dad."

✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *.✧.* :✦. ─── ✧

After the group of kids left, a green light was lit and Jefferson started driving again. Before Miles knew it, a Visions Academy sign was in his view, with a dozen students walking past. They all had the same blue uniforms, and then a black and gold sign in front of the school came into view.

The school was larger than Miles expected. The entrance was this brick building, but behind it was a whole other thing. It felt larger than New York.

"Why can't I go back to Brooklyn Middle?" Miles inquired.

"Miles, you've given it two weeks," Jefferson replied. "We're not having this conversation."

Miles sighed. "I just think this new school is elites-"

"Elites?" Jefferson muttered, frowning in confusion.

"And I'd prefer to be at a normal school, among the people," Miles continued.

"The people? These are your people," Jefferson signaled to the mob of students heading inside.

"I'm only here 'cause I won that stupid lottery," Miles complained.

"No way. You passed the entrance test just like everyone else," Jefferson told him. "Okay. You have an opportunity here that Susan wished ( Y/N ) had. You wanna blow that, huh? You wanna end up like your uncle?"

Miles looked down at his feet. "What's wrong with Aaron? He's a good guy."

Aaron was also one of the few that got ( Y/N )'s nerd antics. He's basically Miles and ( Y/N )'s go-to for advice, but Jefferson wasn't too fond of him. Something happened between the two when they were younger, but Miles and ( Y/N ) don't know what.

Jefferson sighed. "We all make choices in life."

"It doesn't feel like I have a choice-"

"You don't!"

Tension fills the car, both of them say nothing for a moment. Miles begrudgingly opened the car door, grabbing his stuff from the passenger's seat up in front.

"I love you, Miles," Jefferson told him.

Miles flashed a light smile. "I know, dad. See you Friday."

Miles shut the car door, but this wasn't enough for Jefferson. All he wanted was to fill the gap between them, but Miles wasn't getting that. Thinking he came up with the perfect idea, Jefferson flashed a siren, causing Miles to stop on his tracks.

"You gotta say I love you back," Jefferson spoke through the comms.

Miles snapped his neck in the direction of his father's voice. "Dad, are you serious?"

"I wanna hear it."

"You wanna hear me-"

"-I love you, dad,"

"Your job is to drop me off to school," Miles continued, signaling around. "Dad, look at this place."

"Dad, I love you."

Miles groaned. "Dad, I love you."

"That's a copy," Jefferson smiled. "Tie your shoes."

Jefferson's car pulled away as the other students started breaking out into laughter. Miles kept his head down, heading into the school. And it seemed everyone got the memo, heading what happened outside.

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