- ͙۪۪̥˚ 𝟯𝟲┊❛ 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿-𝗦𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆 ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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📍 NEUVA YORK, EARTH -928✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *

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✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *.✧.* :✦. ─── ✧

Truth be told, ( Y/N ) was excited to see what the facility of the spider-society looked like. She only heard descriptions of it from Gwen, making the energetic nerd come back just a little. After all, she was still Peter Parker's niece — being a dork ran in the family.

When they got to the elevator that lead them down to the society, it was dark with only a few bronze lights to help them see. Miles pulled his mask off, then Gwen and then Hobie and the other ( Y/N ). Miles looked at them in amazement. Hobie had curly brown hair, piercings on his eyebrow, ear and one on his nose. The other ( Y/N ) from Hobie's dimension looked like the one from 1619, the only difference was her style and personality. It was more punk rock, like Hobie's.

"How are you two even cooler under your masks?" Miles questioned.

Hobie shrugged. "We were just this cool the whole time."

Due to her not being able to dot anymore, Jess gave ( Y/N ) patches to put under her shoes so she could walk upside down with the other spider-men. Miles spotted ( Y/N ) looking up at everything and stepped forward, hoping to apologize for earlier.

"Uh, hey."

( Y/N ) turned around. "Oh, hey."

"Pretty cool, right?"

"Yeah. It's alright."

"Look, ( Y/N ), I'm so sorry for... what I said. I — I didn't mean..."

"It's fine," ( Y/N ) shrugged.

"No, it not. It's just...," Miles sighed. "I'm Spider-Man. Spider-Man's — my one purpose is to help others. I was so busy with Brooklyn I couldn't see what was going on with you and I'm sorry..."

( Y/N ) shook her head. "No, I disappeared—"

"I didn't look hard enough," Miles cut her off.

Gwen walked over to them, signaling that the elevator reached the floor of the society. "Hey."

Miles and ( Y/N ) shared one glance before heading towards the elevator with Gwen. The door flew a bright red light and the Chase girl insistently felt like she was back in Peter's spider-gear she'd. It then turned to a light blue as it opened up, revealing the large room.

The group entered the hallway and saw a room full of spider-people. Different spider-men were standing above the ceiling or on the floor of the pathways. As Jess got her watch out, another spider-woman in a blue and white suit and a red Hijab over her head came their way.

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