- ͙۪۪̥˚ 𝟭𝟭┊❛ 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝗯 ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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The bus ride was certainly interesting. It was like sitting next to your uncle while he embarrassed you half of the time. Good thing the bus was just full of or snoring guys or New Yorkers who couldn't care less.

Once they got somewhere deep in the woods, Miles and Peter had their whole changing into spidey-suits sequence as ( Y/N ) calls it. Miles got a yellow sheet and put it around his neck, thinking it was a nice addition. Peter didn't seem to approve, making ( Y/N ) chuckle.

"Had to add on the cape," Peter noticed.

"I think it's cool," Miles shrugged.

Peter pulled off the cape. "Take that off, it's disrespectful. Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape."

Once Miles let go of the cape, the trio ducked down behind a rock. ( Y/N ) had only seen the campus from pictures Peter had whole investigation when he was... still with them. It looked pretty big from where she was standing. There was a large parking lot and the building was black and this dark green with Alchemax on it.

"How do we retrace Peter's steps?" ( Y/N ) inquired.

"That's a good question," Peter squinted his eyes and sat back down with Miles and ( Y/N ) copying his actions. "Got it."

After Peter came up with the new plan, Peter stood up and started stretching to get ready. Miles noticed that he didn't have any part in this plan. ( Y/N ) was fine with not being in it considering she didn't have their 'spidey-abilities'. "And what are we doing?"

"Step seven; you two stay here. You're look out," Peter said.

"Look, man. You gotta teach me how to do Spider-Man stuff or I'm not gonna be able to help," Miles insisted.

Once Peter finished his stretching, he shot a web up at a tree and swung over to the building. "Watch and learn, kid. I'll teach you on the way there!"

The duo watched as he swung over to the campus and ducked down to the rock they were hiding in.

"Why did I get stuck with a junky-old broke hobo Spider-Man?" Miles wondered before pounding his fist on part of the rock and breaking it off.

He lifted his mask off and ( Y/N ) tilted her head from her spot next to him with surprise. "That's new."

From below, they could hear a car pulling up. A door opened up, revealing a large figure; Kingpin and another man in blue skin and white hair.

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