Chapter 4- Horses

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I smile to myself as we fly down the streets and despite myself, I roll the window down and stick my head out the car, letting the wind hit me full on in the face. Looking around, I studied the streets and houses that we passed as Jessica drove to wherever her home was. Some of it looked vaguely familiar but I didn't put much thought into it.

Minutes later, the car slowed and Jessica announced we were at her house now. Pulling back, I looked up at her house as she pulled into the drive way. I swear my jaw dropped at the sight of the huge home. "It's so big!" I say stupidly. She laughs and parks "Sure is, wait until you see the inside" she says grabbing her things. Grabbing my own things, I dumbly follow her inside and look around.

"Ta-da! Welcome to the Night residence" she say sweeping her arms about and making a big show about it. I laughed slightly and looked around in awe. It was crazy how big it was. "And you live here?" I wonder aloud. "Yep. Come on, let's get you to a shower though" she says making a slight face. I take no offense since I knew I probably smelled bad and just followed her quietly.

Grabbing my arm and pulling me along, she dragged me through a maze of hallways and doors. "Okay here's my room. Bathroom is over there." she says pointing to another door across the huge room. I nod slightly as I look around "You're really lucky" I murmur setting my things down lightly. No response sounds from the other girl while I grab my things and wander over to the bathroom. Glancing over my shoulder, I see her watching me.

My self-consciousness kicks back in and I look at her nervously "What..?" I ask hesitantly. She just shakes her head. "Nothing, it's nothing" she mumbles before brushing past me and into the bathroom. I follow quietly and just stand there as she hands and points things out to me before leaving swiftly. Standing there alone now, I looked around and shook my head in amazement. "This is crazy" I breathed quietly to myself.

Peeling off my dirty clothes, I jumped into the warm shower and started to quickly clean up. Stepping out half an hour later, I dried myself off and changed into my extra clean clothes. Hanging the towel up, I looked around for a comb to quickly barrow to get rid of the knots in my hair. Finding on a few Moments later, I quickly combed out my hair and decided to just leave it down.

Once done, I pick my things up and wander out of the bathroom. Sticking my things into my sports bag, I look around for Jessica but don't see her anywhere. Looking around, I decided to explore a bit. Exiting her room, I turned down the hall and start looking at the things around the house.

Eventually I stopped paying attention to where I was going and got totally lost in the maze of halls. While it was a nice house, I wondered how the heck anyone managed not to get lost in this place. Shrugging to myself, I just kept walking around the halls, hoping I'd find and exit or run into Jessica at some point.

"And where do you think you're going?" a voice suddenly calls from behind me. I jump and whirl around, startled and half scared to death. Laugher sounds next as my gaze focuses in on Jessica standing not to far off. "You look like you just saw a ghost" she remarks with a chuckle. I just smiled weakly "Um, kinda got lost and you scared me" I say finally calming down some. Jessica just kinda smirks "I noticed. Well, it is easy to get lost around here if you don't know the house. Come, my room is this way. Ready to get to work?" she says, turning around before I can answer her.

Following her quietly, we entered her room a minute later and I sat down on the floor. "So, I think I have an idea for our project" I say with a slight smile. Jessica smiles back and leans against her bed across from me "Do we have to start now? I mean, we've got all weekend and all" she says yawning. I blinked "But then I'll be here like all night" I object. "I don't want your parents getting mad or you or something" I say with a frown. She waves it aside "It's fine, don't worry about it. We have have a sleep over if that's okay with you and your parents. I mean, it means we have a bit more time to get a head start on our project and all." she says with a smile.

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