Chapter 13- Could it really be love?

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Jessica's POV

Swimming in the lake was wonderful. I loved every moment of it. It was so relaxing and great to just have fun for once.  

I had swam back over to her after some time of thinking and I knew she’d been thinking too. We both were and we both knew the other one had also been thinking. But what about? 

For me it was just my feelings and emotions. How I really saw Kaylee. I had an idea now but I wasn’t sure. I’d just wait and see. 

Smiling happily, she showed me around the whole lake, pointing out all kinds of things to me. It was amazing on how much she knew about this lake and apparently not many people knew about it. 

I couldn’t help but look over and stare at her more then once. Not just because of all the scars riddled on her body, but because past all that, she really was beautiful. It didn’t matter to me tat there were scars. They were apart of who she was but past that, there was someone real inside. 

Someone with feelings and emotions just like the next human. She was just hurting because it seemed like no one cared. Then again, she gave no reason for people to worry or care. She easily hid it all behind such a simple smile. 

But I saw a person there. One who was hurting, lost in the dark. They needed someone to be their guide. To love and care for them, to lead them out from the dark. I wondered who it could be? Would it....could it...possibly be me?

We tread around each other carefully, not sure how to act and respond sometimes. It was like dancing on a thin wire high up in the air with a fire pit below. One mistake could lead to falling into the depths of the fire. Or one right move, you could be making it safely across where your happy, safe and sound. 

What would it be? Neither of us was willing to make the first move yet. Neither of us was positive on what the other person felt. We could only guess. We were treading on water. Sink or swim?

Several times she caught me looking and raised an eyebrow. I just shook my head and looked away, blushing a little as she caught me. But she never mentions it. 

I smile slightly as she decides it was time to go. I was about to suggest that myself but she beat me to it. 

“Hey, you ready to go?” she asks, looking over at me. I smile slightly again and nod as we start swimming over to the shore. “Yep, but how do we get back up there?” I ask pointing up the cliff. 

She just smiles and pulls herself out of the water as I just tread water by the bank. “You’ll see, just follow me” she say sticking out her hand to me. I look at it for a long moment before taking it hesitantly. 

Her hand closes around mind in a firm grip before she pulls me up and out of the lake. I look at her slightly surprised. “Don’t worry, I got you....” she say smiling “I’d never let you fall” I hear her add to herself, except I heard her. I just smiled “Now lets go before we freeze to death out here" she says louder, as a cool breeze passes by us.

I shiver visibly while she just stands there like the cold was nothing. Grinning, she wraps an arm around me, providing body heat. Never the less, I tense slightly and at her nervously. "Relax, I'm just keeping you warm, lets go now" she says softly, smirking at me.

I blush but don’t protest as she leads the way to the top of the cliff.  We don't say much to each other as we walk a well trodden path through the forest. We pass and see tones of wildlife one the way up. I stop a couple times to get a closer look to some plants or try to get closer to an animal.

It takes us like another hour to get up the long trail at the slow rate we were going at. “Come on, I want to show you one last thing” Kaylee’s says walking ahead a bit. I look form from a flow I had been smelling and run up next to her. 

“What is it?” I ask curiously. She just smiles and motions for me to follow her as we finally reach the top. “Look” she say softly, pointing over the water. Moving aside, she lets me walk past her. 

In front of us the sun was setting, sending fiery streaks of orange across the slow darkening sky. The sun was slowly sinking behind the forest down below, making it look like we were much closer to the sin the we really were. 

You could see the silhouettes of everything down below. The trees cast long shadows as the animals slinked around, trying not to be seen by the human eye. Night creatures were slowing coming out of their day homes for a meal. 

The sun was hitting the trees behind us in such a way that it made them glow. 

I let out a soft gasp as I see the setting sun and everything down below. I watch and look at everything, faintly hearing Kaylee walking around behind me. “I take you like it?” she asks softly, handing me my clothes. 

I turn to see her smiling, a proud glint in her eye. “It’s amazing” I murmur smiling. She smiles and walks back to get the rest of things as I pull on my clothes over my cold body. 

I knew she was watching me from behind but I was to transfixed to really care at the moment. I’d get her back later anyway. 

After a few minutes though, the cold wind picks up a bit. Suddenly, I feel a comb running though my tangled up hair. I blink “Where the heck did you get a comb?” I ask, turning around slightly. 

She just laughs softly “I tend to keep one with me” she answers smiling. I nod, giving her a weird look for a moment before turning my attention to the sunset again. 

I half pay attention to her as she gets all the knots out. The sun was setting slowly but at the same time it was setting at such a fast pace. I never wanted this to end it was so beautiful. 

Another cool breeze flies and I shiver slightly, not really noticeable though. But not unnoticeable for Kaylee’s observant eyes. I feel her jacket drape over my shoulder and I smile at her gratefully. 

“Thanks” I murmur happily. She smiles in return, shaking her head slightly “Nah, it was no problem at all” she say shrugging slightly. But I knew it meant something to her. I could see it in her eyes.

As she slips into a thoughtful state, I just continue to watch the sunset. I was aware that she was still behind me, but I hadn’t a clue on how close. A moment or two later, I got my answer.

I feel her arms wrap around me as she hugs me from behind. Her chin was just above my shoulder, our cheeks nearly touching as she watches the last bit of the sunset with me. I smile slightly but managed to keep it to myself. 

It felt so right, her arms around me. But it scared me a little. Was I ready for this? Sure I’d dated guys before (to hide the fact I was gay from everyone) but this, this was something different all together. Not because she was a girl, but because she wasn’t like other people.

I knew she had struggles in her life, we all did, her more so then others. Was I ready to take them on with her? 

I smile, looking over at her, managing to catch her gaze. We stare at each other. Not competitively, just a mutual look. She smiles back, eyes twinkling with happiness I hadn’t ever seen before. I knew I had a similar expression on my face as I smile back at her. 

And at that moment, I knew what I wanted. I knew the answer. All I had to do was tell her.

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