Chapter 19- Queen of Poisons

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Kaylee’s POV

I wake up past noon and sigh. It was to late for school now and I felt like shit anyway. Swinging my feet over the bed, I creep down stairs carefully, weary my mom might be home still. She wasn’t.

I sigh softly and start to clean up after her mess. Broken glass, empty bottles of beer and whine scattered everywhere, cigarette butts lying around, and the awful stench of alcohol and smoke lingered in the air. 

Muttering to myself, I walk around pick up and cleaning the house out. I open up some of the top floor windows to let fresh air in to get ride of the stink. Once done, I sit down to get a little something to eat. I sit at the table by myself, looking out the back window, remembering I had to care for the horses before going to work. 

But for now, I would just sit and relax a bit. I watch the clouds pass by over the sun, making everything darken for a few minutes before the clouds move on and the sunlight returns. I tilt my head slightly and get up, heading to my room. I ignore my ringing phone and carefully pull on some light weight clothes.

A simple t-shirt, faded ripped jeans, and a light sweater. I head out barefoot to the stables to let the horses out and muck out their stalls. I arrive and they all greet me with soft nickers. I smile softly in return, talking quietly to each one as I give them a quick rub down and letting them out. I start the long process of cleaning out the whole barn. Humming softly, I fill their racks with fresh hay, give them clean water, clean out their stalls, and make sure everything was in good shape. 

I cared about my horses more then anything in the world. If anything happened to them, I don't know what I'd do. I stood there, leaning in the door way of the stables as I watch the horses play around a bit. I stood there thinking to when I first got them all. 

One of the was pregnant with a foal, a young male and then there was the father, then the 4th was mine. I'd chosen her at a horse market thing. I smile softly as I watch them for a bit longer before walking back inside to check on the house and my phone.

About 3 hours had passed so it was about 3, near 4 in the afternoon. School was out now so Eve would probably be stopping by since I hadn't replied to any of her calls or texts. I sigh softly, she would be man as hell since I was 'ignoring' her and such but I didn't care. She'd understand why I didn't call when I explained. 

Sure enough, the most recent text of hers, sent a minute or two ago, read 

I’ll be there in 15

I sigh and toss my phone on my bed before locking my bedroom door and lying down on my stomach. My eyes fall shut as I start to doze a bit, very tried and still aching in pain. I’m awaken suddenly but banging on the door and Eve yelling through my bedroom door.

I knew she had a copy of my house key, I’d given it to her a year or so after we meet. “Kaylee? You in there!? Open up your door!” Eve calls, banging on my door a bit. I grumble and pull myself from my bed, walking over to unlock it before flopping back on my bed. 

My face hits the pillow as my door flies open and a very worried Eve stands there. I turn my head, hiding a slight smirk as she rushes in. My eyes shut again as she sits carefully next to me. 

“Hey Eve” I mumble turning my head to face her, eyes still closed. “Hey Kay, how are you?” she asks softly. I could feel her eyes on me, scanning my body for any cuts. I tuck my arms away slightly “Fine I guess, just tired” I answer opening my eyes slightly, followed by a yawn. 

She raises an eyebrow “Okay......did Aconitum (Ak-uh-nahy-tuh-m) stop by?” she asks me. I nod slightly and she sighs, motioning with her hand to show me. Wordlessly, I sit up to pull my shirt off and let her inspect my back and stomach.

Aconitum. A very unique name. It’s not her real name though, it’s just what I call her. Aconitum is a type of flower. It’s also know as “the queen of poisons” or devil’s helmet. It’s a lovely shade of purple or blue-purple, very pretty but like my mother, it’s very poisonous. 

My mother’s real name is Jane but that’s to nice and pretty sounding. No one like her should get a name like that, she deserved something that meant something. So I, with the help of Eve, came up with Aconitum. A exterior but not so much on the inside. 

“What the hell did she do to you!?” Eve shrieks. I wince slightly, I’d think she’d be used to me being all cut up by now but I guess not. I glance over my shoulder to see she’d removed the bandages, which were quite bloody might I add, and was surveying my back. 

“Threw a beer bottle at the wall while I was on the floor. Moved forward, naturally moved back right into the glass” I say dully. Eve shouts a bunch of curses and breaks off in to some other language.

I just yawn and close my eyes “I’ma take a nap...” I murmur tiredly. “NO!” she suddenly yells. My eyes snap open and I look over at her. Her eyes hold worry, expected, and fear? I blink slightly “Just stay awake long enough for me to clean your cuts and replace the bandages” she says softer after a moment. I smile slightly and nod.

I could see she was just scared and didn’t want me to sleep just yet. We had the same though-with all the blood I’d lost, work I’d done, who knows when I’d wake? I mean it wasn’t that bad where it was uncertain if I’d wake up but we both worried anyway. 

I lay there, eyes screwed shut with pain, muttering curses as Eve cleans up my back. Long gash runs diagonally across my spine and smaller ones dot the rest of the area. Eve softly talks to me, just going on about the day and such to help keep my mind off of what she was doing.

In no time, I’m all patched up with new bandages and everything. Eve makes me come down to get some food before I can take a nap, with her watching over me of corse. You never know when Aconitum will stop by or when I’ll get nightmares and freak out. 

She sits next to me as I doze off slowly, falling into a semi light slumber. It remains quiet and peaceful for several hours. Eve just sits there, listing to music quietly or doing some homework or whatever it was. 

Hours pass and I’m still asleep. It’s about 5 or so when I’m awoken by a loud bang. I jump awake, startled and scared since I was still half asleep. It was just the devil, home who knows where, drunk again. 

Eve stand there calm and defiant. I shut my eyes and wish this was all a dream or that everything would stop being bad and turn good. We hear her walking around down stairs, crashing into things, breaking something as she makes her way up. Upstairs, up to my room, up to find me. 

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