Chapter 6- Meeting Jessica's Parents

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Kaylee's POV

When dawn broke, I woke up feeling a mix of coldness and warmth. Twisting my head around, I looked for the source of the warmth and saw Jessica right up next to me, sound asleep. A blush covered my cheeks once again but at least this time she wasn't awake to witness it. Leaning on my arm, I picked up some more random wood and tossed it into the fire to start it up again. Once that got going again, I lay down again, pressing against Jessica a bit as I dozed off once more.

The second time I woke, I found Jessica sitting up in front of the fire, just looking at it with blank look. Yawning, I sat up while rubbing my eyes, getting rid of the sleep. "Hey, you okay?" I asked sleepily. She looks over at me tiredly "I'm cold, tired, hungry and I wanna go home" she says. Sighing, I flop back onto my back "I know how to get home-" "Great! let's go!" she shouts jumping up with mock enthusiasm.

"I gotta put the fire out first" I say sitting up again and starting to throw dirt on the fire to kill it. "Come on! I wanna get home and start this project already so we can finish it already!" she snips, her bratty side coming forth. I scowl "Hold your damn horses princess" I snip back sarcastically.

Kicking up more dirt, I put the fire out as fast as I could while taking my sweet time. Once done, I checked it again to make sure there was no chance a forest fire would start up. In reality, the chances of that happening were processing 0% but she was annoying me so I was taking my sweet time.

She stood there impatiently like the little priss I knew she could be. Smirking slightly, I turn around and start walking back to her house. "Let's go princess" I mutter walking past her. She doesn't react right away but jogs to fall in step with me a Moment later.

The walk is quiet and slightly awkward but not totally uncomfortable. After some time, Jessica speaks up some "I'm sorry about your Dad and brother...". I glance over and see her looking at the forest floor "t's fine, I'm over it" Lies. "So it's just you and your Mom?" she inquires curiously. I nod once "Yep, just me and the bitch" I confirm. Jessica's expression was something to laugh at and if I didn't have any self control, I wouldst just burst out laughing right then and there.

"What?" she asks as if she wasn't sure she herd me right. A shrug rolls of my shoulders "You herd me" I answer, ending that topic. A fence came into view a Moment later and two horses stood outside of them, just grazing happily. Jessica spots them and run over swiftly, hugging them both. Walking up to them, I pat their noses softly "How long have you had them?" I asked as we led them back to the barn. "Since they were foals" she answers as we unsaddle them.

Giving them a through but quick rub downs, we put them in their stalls with a batch of hay before exiting and walking around to the front of her house. "You have hay in your hair" she says sounding quite amused as she reached up and pulled some hay from my hair. I blush slightly "Oh, I didn't know that was there" I say watching it fall. She laughs "I wasn't going to say anything but...oh well" she says amused. Rolling my eyes, I look up at her house "I'd say I'm going home now except my things are still in your room..."

Jessica sighs and nods, leading the way up the front steps "Might as well get this over with, Mom is so going to chew me out" she mumbles. I wondered what kinda parents she had. Were they nice? Mean? Super friendly? Guarded? Pets? Siblings?

The door swings open before we can knock on it, hell we were still several steps away from it. "Jessica Teresa Night!" a woman yells down the steps looking pissed as hell. I watch as Jessica's step falters slightly "Nice to see you too Mom" she mutters walking up in front of her. I on the other hand walk up confidently and stop just behind her.

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