Chapter 20- It's Time To Change

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hello! sorry for the long wait :p got back from a long trip to China Monday and have been recovering the past few days


Eve’s POV

I swear, if that she-devil comes in here, I’ll knock her flat! She didn’t deserve to even consider herself as a mother! Just thinking about it made my blood boil. But I remained calm looking for my own and Kay’s sake. We both knew how out of control I could get when I let my emotions get the best of me 

Interestingly, she knocked on the door instead of barging right in. She knocked. She fucking knocked. Since when does she knock? My guard flies up even higher as I glance over at Kay.

She’s propping herself up on one arm, starring at the door like there was something disgusting on it. I blink and snap my fingers lightly, getting her attention. She nods slightly and slumps down, hiding her face. 

“You can come in” I say loud enough for her to hear. The door knob turns and the door is pushed open. There she is, standing there looking somewhat drunk, just starring at us. “Well,” Kay suddenly snaps from behind me “What do you want?” she asks coldly. 

I glance over my shoulder to see her glaring daggers at her mom. Her blue eyes hard and icy cold. I blink, slightly a taken back by her expression. I hadn’t seen her look like this, ever. 

Her mom blinks and stares at her, clearly not expecting this look either. “Nothing, I...” she trails off. “Well, don’t need anything you can go away now” Kay snaps, looking extremely pissed off.

I sigh and glance at her mother who wasn’t showing any sign of emotion, except the way she stood witch showed she was a bit drunk. I just stand there, waiting to see if her mother would do anything. Nothing. Her mother just stands there, starring at Kaylee as Kaylee glares back coldly. 

I clear my throat, catching both of their attentions. If the situation wasn’t so tense, I would have laughed aloud as they turn their heads at the same with with the same annoyed expression. It was rather amusing, but I didn’t say anything about it. 

“If you don’t need anything, would you please go?” I ask her mother politely. I ignore Kay’s scowl, she hates it when I’m nice to her mom even though i know what her mom does to her. I didn’t get why Kay just told the social security and get her mother throw into jail ... I knew she had family around still so why didn’t she? 

I look at her mother expediently, waiting for her to say or do something. A minute or two she just nods and leaves the room, closing the door partly behind her. 

I shake my head in utter confusion “What the heck was that?” I mutter to myself. I walk over to Kay, sitting next to her as she sits up. “That stupid no good bitch” she swears harshly. I sigh once again “Calm down Kay. It looked like she wanted to say something with out yelling for once but you snapped at her first” I say shrugging.

She scowls “Oh well, she got what she deserves. There is no way I’m ever going to forgive her. Its been like 10 years or something since this all started” she says clenching her fists.

I knew that Kay wasn’t completely mad at her mom. She was just upset that she couldn’t share the positives in her life and seek the help from her mom when bad things came around. She need an adult figure in her life and her mom wasn’t that person. 

“Shhh” I coo, rubbing her back “Why don’t we take a walk to cool down” I suggest standing up. She sighs and stands up next to me “Thank you” she says hugging me tightly. i hug her back briefly as she walks out of her room and down stairs and out the door. 

I smile slightly and sit on her bed instead of following her out right away. She need space and time to cool down and relax. I glance around, checking for her school things. I find them in a pile under the foot of her bed. I laugh softly and pick them up, sticking them in her worn out bag. 

I clean up her room a bit and write a quick note on a paper, setting it on her bed before leaving. I walk down stairs and nearly get the scare of my life. 

Her mother was standing there, looking right at me with an unreadable expression. I blink “ you need anything?” I ask her mom carefully. She sighs heavily “Come sit, I need to talk to you about some things” she says walking into the living room. 

I follow cautiously, why was she suddenly calm and nice? I frown slightly and sit on the far side on the living room as she sit in a chair across me on the other side. We sit in silence as I watch her look around, obviously thinking. 

“Does Kaylee hate me?” she asks suddenly, looking straight at me. I open then close my mouth dumbfounded, I was so surprised with the sudden question. “Well?” she snaps, getting an irritated look but it deflates after a moment. 

I take a deep breath “Well, I know she doesn’t like you very much. Hate is a strong word” I say slowly, wondering where this was going. 

She nods slightly “Just tell me the truth and don’t dodge things. I don’t care if it’s mean towards me” she says slowly, making a slight face as she talks. I nod slightly and pause “Well, then yes. She’s told me before how much she hates you and will never forgive you. But I don’t believe that she’s hates you completely” I say promptly. 

“Why do you think that?” she counters “I’ve been a terrible parent” she adds looking a bit miserable. I nod “Oh yeah you have” I say snorting. “But I’m sure you have your reasons for doing what you did” I say shrugging slightly. “And I say she doesn’t completely hate you because deep down, I think she’s keeps hoping you’ll return tho the loving mother she once knew” I say slowly, thinking about it. 

Her mom nods “I’m sorry I’ve been so cruel” she say sighing. I snort again “Why are you apologizing to me? It’s Kaylee you need to apologize to, not me. I’m not your daughter, she is” I say glaring at her slightly.

“But how? She wont even stop to listen to what I have to say” she says brokenly. I frown “Why do you care now all the sudden?” I ask after a moment. She sighs and shrugs slightly “This isn’t exactly suddenly....for a while I’ve wanted to change for the better and try to gain Kay’s trust again but it’s been hard....” she says sorrowfully. 

I nod slightly, knowing what she meant “Well, the first step I think is getting help. You have a problem that you can’t fix on your own” I say crossing my arms as I watch her.

She nods “Will you help me get the help I need?” she asks looking up at me from her seat. I see her silently pleading as I look back at her, gaze unwavering. “And what’s it worth? What do i get from this?” I ask. She shrugs “i don’t know...but I promise to find a way to make it up...please...I-I...I need help, I have a problem” she says sighing heavily. 

I nod slightly “Well then, let’s get started and do not mention this to Kaylee” 

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