Chapter 7- Dinner and a random horror movie

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Jessica's POV

Right off the bat, my parents start up a conversation with Kaylee, drilling her for all her life facts. I just stayed quite, silently praying they didn't get to nosy but knowing them, that wasn't likely at all. "So you play soccer?" my Mom starts off with. Kaylee nods, "Sure do Ma'am" she says in between bites. My Mom smiles "That's so cool, how long have you been playing?"

There's a pause as Kaylee finishes taking her bite of food. "Since about age 4" "Really? Wow, you must be amazing" she decides with a huge grin. "Nah, there are others who're better than me" she says, a faint blush creeping across her cheeks. "You kidding? You're way better then half the players at school" I say jumping in with a smile.

"What? You've seen her play before?" my Dad asks, speaking up for the first time in several long minutes. A casual shrug rolls off my shoulders "Sure have, their chap game the other day. She was amazing" I announce proudly. Kaylee looks a bit surprised but gives me a crooked little grin "Aw, why thank you. I didn't think you thought so highly of me" she says sending a teasing wink.

"Well, besides soccer, what else do you do?" my Mom asks curiously. "I don't exactly have a lot of free time but, when I do get some, I spend it just handing out with a friend, reading, taking care of the house, playing music, just that kinda general thing." she answers setting her fork down. My Dad looks at her with a similar curious look that my Mother wore. "Why don't you have much free time?" he asks the same time my Mom asks "What instruments do you play?"

Kaylee blinks "I do some community stuff, I have a job. There's school work, soccer practice. And I play guitar, both acoustic and electric. I play piano, and drums as well. I can play a few others for fun, no real skill and sometimes I like to sing" she answers with a faint shrug.

We all stare at her like she was crazy or something. "Wow" my Dad finally says, voicing all of our thoughts. "You have a job?" my Mom asks right after. Kaylee nods "Yep, 2 of them" she answers. "Wow" was all my Dad said. "2? You're only like 16? 17?" my Mom asks frowning slightly.

Glancing at Kaylee, I noticed she suddenly looked very uncomfortable "Um..." she hesitates, looking down at her empty plate. Jumping up suddenly, she mumbles something about using the bathroom. Scooping her dishes up, she set them gently in the sink to clean them up swiftly before disappearing.

My Mom blinks and looks at me expectantly "What?" I ask with a shrug. "I know as much as you do." I say with a soft sigh. Standing up "I'll check on her. Oh, and family is a touchy subject...I noticed it earlier..." I add before putting the dishes in the sink. "Alright honey, she's a sweet girl." my Mom says with a gentle smile. With a nod, I head down the hall to where I'd seen Kaylee disappear to.

I spot her walking down the hall, not at all towards the bathroom. Following her silently, I watched as she exited the house. Standing by the door, I watched her pace around, looking rather distressed. Frowning slightly, I just watched her as she talked to herself with an unreadable expression.

After a few minutes, she stops and casts her gaze up to the dark sky. I thought she was just looking to watch the stars come out but instead, her arms fly up and she starts yelling with an angry expression. Blinking, in surprise, I watched for another moment before turning away and walking back to the kitchen. I felt like I was invading something personal and didn't want to do that.

"Did you find her?" my Mom asked as I walked in. I shake and shrug slightly "I'll look again in a few" I say as I move to help my parents out with the dishes and such. "I wonder why she'd have 2 jobs at this age though. I mean, I can see why she'd have one, but two?" my Mom mutters as she paces around, putting things away.

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