Chapter 38- The work office

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Kaylee's POV 

As I entered my moms work place, the voices in my head go away. I close the door behind me, not quite locking it as I walk farther into the room. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever been in here. Maybe when I was younger but I don’t remember it of corse. 

I walk around, riffling through a few papers here and there. This place was a mess. What did my mom do in here? Save every paper she got from where ever? I look at the walls where some papers and pictures were hanging up. They looked like things a little kid would draw. 

I peered closer and my eyes widen. There hanging all around the room, in chronological order, were all the drawings I drew as a kid. Pictures of a little boy and I playing around in the front yard together. After looking closer I realized it was my brother and in the background was my dad, laughing from the looks of it.

Report cards, birthday cards, letters, all kinds of things I’d given my mom mom hung all around the room in the shadows where you couldn’t really see. I’d thought she’d threw all them out when I handed them to her, even after my brother and dad died. She always seemed to be annoyed whenever I handed the things to her but I guess not…

I faintly hear the front door open and close a couple times while I walk around the room, looking at the things on the wall and remembering. I smile sadly and finally move on, looking at the papers on her desk. I pick up a few and read them, who knows how I made out the words in the pitch dark, but I did. 

The papers hand numbers on them and were all out of order so i started to put them in the right order. But at the rate I was going, this was going to take forever, there were hundreds of papers with numbers, maybe even thousands. I sigh and stop after the first couple hundred, putting a clip on them and putting them down on the desk. I see one paper off to the side and walk over to it, wondering what it said. I pick it up and read 

If you’re reading this then I guess with you’ve entered my work room with out me knowing or I’m dead or whatever. 

If you’re in here cuz you snooping around or whatever, get out now and don’t you are keep reading this. If i am dead, keep reading. 

If I am dead, read the letter and open the box that I had with me. Yes I know I had it with me, I made sure to carry them around with me everywhere. It explains everything there.  

I blink as I read the blunt words on the paper, written obviously in her handwriting. I set the paper down as my face goes blank, lips setting in a firm line. I turn and keep looking around the room a bit, ignoring what she said to do on that paper. I didn’t want to find out whatever it was, I don’t think I was mentally ready. Or emotionally. Or physically. I just wasn’t ready. 

I sigh and look around the room, wondering what I should do with everything in here. I guess I should look through it all at some point, with the lights on and such. For now I’d just glance things over. In the far corner I notice a door that I hadn’t ever seen before. I walk over to it curiously and open it, finding that there were stairs leading up as well as space for things to store.

There were plenty more papers and boxes and books everywhere but it was the stair well that interested me. Where did it lead to? I close the door behind me and turn on the dim light, looking up the stairwell curiously. I wondered where it lead to…guess I’ll just have to find out and with that I start my way up as quiet as I could. 

Surprisingly the stairs didn’t creek or anything as I made my way up. I finally come to a landing zone thing with another door but there are more stairs leading even higher. I decide to keep going up to see where I ended up at. Finally I reach the top and theres another door. I frown slightly and open it only to find my self in the attic. I blink and look around. It was actually rather spacious and nice up here. Not much was up here really. Interesting…

Turning around, I head back down to the other door. I shut the light off and close the door quietly. I stop again when I come to the first door I ran into on my way up. I open it and bam, I’m in my mom’s closet. My eyes widen. This was like a secret stair case that connected to the attic, my moms rom and her work place. Did she even know about this!? She must have! 

I blink when I hear Eve calling for me, I guess it was time to get back to talking with people. I make a face and stay hidden until she leaves. I creep into my moms room and look around. i breath in some of the air and find it wasn’t filled with smoke or anything. Actually, none of the house smelled like alcohol or cigarette smoke now that I thought about it. Weird. 

I close both the secrete door and the closet door as I look around the room before walking out, not wanting to deal with another room full of things. I walk to my room slowly, thinking to myself. I think I should read that letter now. 

Entering my room, I picked the box and letter up before turning and walking down stairs. I hear Eve telling the officer she wasn’t sure where I was and to talk about living places again. I sigh and keep walking to where they were, if this letter was important and held things I needed to know, best do it with Eve and I think I can trust this Officer enough. He seemed pretty nice. 

“I’m here” I say softly, sitting next to Eve and hugging gut box a little bit. I grab a cookie and look at them “So whats gunna happen to me? Where am I gunna live?” I ask as if I had been here the whole time. Both Officer Trent and Eve look fairly startled but go alone with it anyway. “Well, we’ve decided that you can keep living here. From what I’ve been told, you already live here basically by yourself and Eve checks up on you. I’m going to allow this but I need to put someone down as your legal guardian. Eve suggested her self, she is 18, or her mom. It’s up to you on who you’d lie it to be” he says with a smile. 

I blink and look over at Eve “You’d really become my mom or whatever?” I ask a little shocked. “But what’ll Seth think? I’d be like your kid! For like, real now” I exclaim a bit amused at that thought. Eve nods slightly “Yep, like that. I don’t mind really, nothing will change much either. But if you don’t want that, I can ask my mom if she’ll be your legal guardian” she answers leaning back into the couch. 

I sit there thinking for a moment “I don’t know, you decide. I’m okay either way really” I say at last with a shrug “Get the papers signed when I’m not around and tell me who it is later” I decide looking over at Eve and then Officer Trent. Both nod and Officer Trent sets the parent stuff aside for now. 

“Okay, now about burial and funeral…” he starts off slowly, glancing at me. I grunt, letting him know it was fine to go on. He nods “okay, well its up to you really. We have her body in a casket already, clean and everything but I think you want to change her clothes or something? You can bury her at any church or whatever as long as its legal” he says with a slight shrug.

I know what I want to do “bring the coffin here, with her inside. Be careful with it. I will bury her myself. There will be no ceremony, it will be private and only those who I say will know and can come to do whatever” I say looking up at him. He nods slightly “Alright, I will bring it here later today. And last but not least…your mom left a will” he says. I stare at him. Say what now? 

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