Chapter 17- Meeting Eve

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Jessica’s POV 

I wake up around 6:30, a good hour or so before I had to leave for school. Sitting up, I look around and smile softly as I recall yesterdays events. Smiling still, I hop out of bed and walk to my bathroom to take a long shower.

I strip down and hop into the shower as warm water hits my back. I take a speedy shower and get dressed quickly. I text Jake, telling him to get his lazy butt to my house. I needed to ask him something about Kaylee. 

Did he know anything about her past? I wanted, needed to know. I sigh as I finish packing my books up and walking downstairs. 

“Good Morning Jess” my parents greet me. I smile and nod “Morning mom, dad. What’s for breakfast?” I ask looking around the kitchen. They shrug “Whatever you want” my mom answers. 

I nod and get myself a bowl and some cereal along with milk and a spoon. I hunt around our refrigerator for some blueberries as the doorbell rings. I pop up “I got it!” I yell running to the door. I grin as I see Jake, half asleep with his bag over one shoulder, half open “Morning” he mumbles walking in. 

I laugh “Morning sleepy head” I say dragging him to the kitchen. “Well, well, someone’s in a good mood” he observes smirking. I roll my eyes “Shut up, did you eat?” I ask hitting his arm playfully. 

He shakes his head no and I nod “Okay, come on. I was about to eat, you can join us” I say entering the kitchen. My parents look up and smile “Oh, good morning Jake” they greet him with a smile. 

They all knew I was gay so I didn’t have to hide anything from these three. But all three still liked to tease me about it when I’m hanging with guy friends and stuff. 

“Did she call you over to talk about that girl?” my dad asks Jake. He shrugs and gets himself a bagel. “Most likely, she’s cute. Have you met her?” he answers grinning. I blush slightly “Hey! I’m standing right here you know!” I say scowling at them. 

Jake laughs “Yeah, we know. your hard to miss” he says winking at me. I smack his arm and return to eating. I hear my dad laughing “Yeah, we met her. Nice girl but quite mysterious don’t you think?” he says frowning slightly. 

No doubt he’s recalling his conversation with her. I roll my eyes as Jake nods slightly “Yeah...she’s had a rough past and not the best home life. I don’t know everything, best person to ask is her best friend Eve. SHe knows everything about her while I know only some” he says shrugging slightly. 

My parents perk up a bit. “Eve you say? Do you know her? Would she tell you anything? Oh and tell us what you know. She’s such a kind girl but we can tell there’s something bothering her” my mom says sighing.

Jake blinks and glancing at me. I just shrug, silently saying ‘your on your own buddy’. He glares at me and I smirk in return. He turns to the toaster, getting his food before answering. 

“I know she’s been playing soccer for a long time, has horses, had a dad and brother, lives with her mom, has two jobs, is depressed, hates her mom, ummmm.....yeah I think that pretty much all I know. Oh and one of her jobs is at the public library” he says. 

I get up,looking at my family as they stare at him, thinking about what he said while he looked like he said something he shouldn’t have. 

“I hope she’s okay. We made it clear, hopefully, to her last night that she can always come here or give us a call if she needs help” my mom says finally. Jake nods slightly as he eats is bagel. 

I glance at the time and sigh “Lets go sleepy head, school time” I say yawning. He grins and jumps up from his seat “Thank you and have a good day Mr and Mrs. Nights” he says following me out “Bye mom! Bye dad! have an awesome day!” i yell as I grab my car keys. 

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