Epilogue Chapter 2- Facing the World Together

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It was spring time now, all the snow had come and gone and everything was growing back. The days were slowly getting warmer. We'd all grown closer to each other; Eve, Seth, Jake, Kaylee and I. Jake got a new girlfriend, Annie, who didn't know anything about what we'd gone through. She was nice and respected that some things she'd never understand and we weren't really inclined to tell her.

Kaylee was back in school and life went on as if she wasn't ever gone. She seemed perfectly fine and unbothered by that and was going on with her life. Currently we were sitting at lunch together, the 6 of us together, Eve, Seth, Kay, Jake, Annie, and I. We were outside under the big tree off to the side where not many people tended to hang around. I found out Kaylee liked to sit here pretty often, no matter the weather.

I had finished eating and I was listening to Eve tell the story of how she tricked Seth and her mom into thinking she was pregnant. It turned out Eve had decided to become Kaylee's legal guardian and she was fine with it. Annie didn't ask about why this was, we were all thankful for that, and just went along with it.

"So, I call Seth and my mom over to Kay's house and Officer Trent is still there. He's the guy who helped us out, now a good friend of ours. My mom comes running in yelling 'Eve! I swear what'd you do this time!?' It was so funny cuz she thought I had actually done something to get arrested. But anyway, I just shake my head and say nothing except that I had some big news" she says milling at Jake and I.

I see Seth rolling his eyes and leaning back a bit on his hands. "My mom blinks and nods and was like 'okay..what is it?' and I'm all like 'Well...lets see..' and mind you Kaylee is standing behind me where they can't really see her. My mom yelled at me to spit it out and I just said 'So like, Seth and I? Yeah, we've basically got a kid now'. And my mom flips out. She was like that dad who gets the gun to shoot the boy for doing what ever to his little girls heart" she goes on laughing.

I try to picture that in my head, laughing a bit and shaking my head amused by this. "And poor Seth was white as a ghost and was all like 'I don't know what the hell she's talking about!!!' and my mom then turned to me and started flippin out. I just told her to calm down. I was like 'oh calm dan you two. let me finish. This, is my kid, be nice to her now' and with that I stepped aside to reveal Kay who was just grinning at them. My momma and Seth got so mad at me but you know, we're family so alls good right Seth?" she say poking him. He laughs and nods "All good, don't do that again though" he says giving her a look.

Eve just laughs and turns to jake who was asking for more details and to talk to Seth a bit about sports. I smile and turn to Kaylee "I'm glad to hear everything's worked out and all" I say to her softly, blocking out the other three. She smiles and nods a bit "Yeah..I'm glad too. It weird though cuz sometimes Eve will be like 'do as I say! I'm your mom now!'. It's weird to think of her as my mom and not just as a friend...oh well though, I don't mind to much I guess" she says with a shrug. I laugh and shrug as well "bet that's a bit odd" I agree as the bell rings.

I sigh and pack my things up, looking over at kaylee who was just sitting there. Eve and Seth head off first, Eve telling Kaylee that she'd check up on her after school. Kaylee just nods and Eve looks at me, giving me a teasing look. Jake jumps up and heads off as well, not wanting to be late again to whatever class it was.

Now it was just Kaylee and I left, we get our things and head inside to my locker. She didn't carry much around I noted but it seemed she had all that she needed anyway. I smile and close my locker "Cool, so you gunna head to class soon? Mine's just right here" I say with a slight laugh as I jerk my thumb to the classroom a few lockers down.

She shakes her head a little "I think I'm going to stay here for a bit..." she answers looking over at me. I nod a bit, wondering if something was wrong "Alright, well I'm gunna go then..." I say feeling awkward now. She doesn't answer and I look over to see her looking past me.

I turn around to see Isabella and the gang, great. I sigh and stick my hands into my pockets "What do you want?" I ask, quite tired of them actually. If it weren't for them, I would have never had to gone through with what I had with Kaylee. But then again it was also my fault for going along with it..oh whatever, I knew what I wanted and what was right.

"I herd that you went to apologize to the freak" Isabelle states, not even a question. I just shrug slightly "Yeah, okay. So?" I answer looking directly at her. "Why would you do that? She's so unpopular and you still wanna hang out with her?" Cody asks. I roll my eyes "So what? She's a pretty cool person, I don't mind, no don't care if she's unpopular. She's a friend and thats that" I answer to him. Isabella speaks again "Why'd you even apologize? Why do you even wanna hang out with a looser like her?"

I glare at her, now really fed up with this. "Shut up!" I snap at them. They look at me surprised "What do-" Cody starts to say but I cut him off "I said shut up! She's my friend okay? I don't care what you think of her, you're just being bullies to her because she isn't like you. You think she's so indifferent because of her social status? But news flash you idiots, she just as human as you and I. She has feelings, emotions, a life, ups and downs, everything you do as a human. So what if you might have more money then someone else? Doesn't mean you have to be a complete bitch about it!" I snap, turning a way in a huff.

I was about to say something got Kaylee but she was no longer behind me. I blink and turn around, walking off down the hall and back outside. I look around, not really sure if she actually left or not, I just had a feeling that she had. I hear guitar playing not to far off and follow the sound to the tree we were under during lunch. I smile and see Kaylee sitting there, playing and singing to herself.

I walk over and sit next to her quietly as she finishes up. Silence spreads between us for a few minutes before she speaks "Thanks for sticking up for me" she says softly with a smile. I shrug "Its no problem, it's what friends do for each other is it not?" I answer, leaning against the tree next to her.

She smiles again, nodding a bit "Very true..." she murmurs softly. I smile a bit and look up at the sky, watching some clouds breeze by slowly. I feel her move a bit and look over at her to see her pulling something from inside her shirt.

I blink as I see a golden locket around her neck, mostly surprised she was wearing a necklace then anything. "These were her last gifts to me...for my birthday..." she says holding the locket up and her hand that had a matching gold ring on her hand. I just nod a little, not sure what to say to that and just watch as she opens the locket. Inside are 4 slots. Only 2 of them had pictures. "Thats my dad and mom when they first got married. And this here is my brother" she say softly, pointing to her family members.

I smile slightly "You have your dads eyes and your bother has your moms eyes" I remark looking over at her. She smiles and nods "I'm waiting a bit, to fill these last two slots" she says, closing it back up and looking over at me "And on the ring, it says 'believe kay'. I think she's telling me to believe that things can and will get better..." she says softly, rubbing the ring for a moment.

She look up and over at me suddenly "You're the first person I've showed this too...I haven't even shown Eve. I opened the box by myself when everyone left again on Friday" she adds randomly. I blink, "I'm the first? Why?" I wonder, a bit puzzled. I would think Eve was the first to know. She smiles "Cuz I think you deserve to know something first before the others...I'm not sure though honestly...I just felt like showing you I guess and I trust you so..." she shrugs slightly and turn more to face me a bit.

I smile, glad she trusted me again. How much, I wasn't sure but even some was better then none. She smiles back and looks down at her hands, playing with her ring for a moment. I lean over and just give her a hug, I felt like she could use one you know? Is been rough for her lately and hugs are nice and helpful. She hugs me back tightly, her facing disappearing into the crook of my neck.

I smile softly and just hold her for a few minutes, pulling back a bit reluctantly. "Thanks, I needed that..." she says, smiling at me. I lean forward, wiping away a few stray tears and shake my head "Never a problem" I answer, dropping my hand and looking at her. We look at each other, rather close for several long moments, neither of us moving a muscle.

"Tell me something Jess" she says, almost in a whisper. "What?" I ask in the same hushed tone. "I know nothings gunna be the same anymore so I say, lets face this world together?" she answers before closing the small gap suddenly and kissing me. I smile faintly as my arms go around her automatically, eyes closing, as we fall over onto the soft grass under the big tree. And she was right, nothing was ever gunna be the same but we would face this word together and we'd make it through togeher.

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