Chapter 36- The dreaded visit part 1

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Kaylee’s POV

I wake up to a pitch black room. I panic slightly then realize that I’d made my room all dark. I roll my eyes at myself as I get up slowly, looking at the clock. 7 am. Joy, the officers and Eve would be here soon. After my little talk with Eve about living and stuff, she’d promised to talk to the officers with me about it all.

I sigh and get out of bed, changing my clothes and heading down stairs to find Eve already here and making some breakfast. I groan and flop on the couch in the den (aka the TV room), not wanting to be up and discussing all this so early but I knew it had to be done. 

“Well good morning, I have food for you, come and eat it. No arguing” Eve say smiling over at me, holding up some food. I sigh and get up, walking over to the kitchen table and plopping down ,looking at the food in front of me. I glance over at Eve and see she was waiting for me to eat. I sigh and start to eat silently. I hear a satisfied grunt from her before there’s a knock on the door. 

“Keep eating, I’ll get it” she says before I can even react. I just nod and go back to eating as she lets a couple people inside, showing them to the den. She brings them drinks and chats with them briefly before letting me move into the den so we could talk about all this.

“Hello Kaylee, how are you today?” the young officer asks me. I just look at him blankly, recognizing him as the one who had told me about my mothers death 3 days ago. I just shrug “fine. who are all you people?” I ask bluntly, not caring if I was being rude. I can feel Eve glaring holes into my head but I don’t care. 

The young officer smiles slightly “I’m Officer Trent, this is Rick, and next to him is Ms. smith” Officer trent says, introducing himself and the two others. I grunt “okay, what are they here for?” I ask, expression still blank, voice dull and monotoned. Officer Trent just lets the other two talk for themselves. 

“Hello Kaylee, I’m Rick as Officer trent just said. I’m one of your mom’s friends” Rick says with a smile “I’m sorry to hear about your loss, must be hard loosing a great mom” he says. I laugh bitterly “Right, great. Yeah, no. And who are you?” I ask looking at the women. She blinks “I’m Ms. Jennifer Smith, I’m a therapist specialized in talking to people, specifically teens, who have PTSD and or have depression and gone though child-abuse” she says with a slight smile.

I scowl slightly at Rick and Ms. Jennifer Smith. I didn’t want either of them here. I don’t need some stupid therapist, they weren’t any kinda help at all. Rick was just weird, I didn’t like him. 

Officer Trent starts talking again, going over the details about my moms death and all that depressing shit. As if I need I hear about this at 7 fucking 30 in the morning. Couldn't these idiots have come any later? I sigh and look outside, wondering when it'd start to snow. It was like early December at the moment I think? I wasn't sure, I didn't pay attention. I just knew my birthday was December 10th. Yay. Not. I'd be, what 17 now? Ew I was old. 

"Kaylee" a voice snapping my name pulls me from my thoughts. "Yeah what?" I ask blinking and looking around at the people in my house. My house. I'd always called this place mine but now it really was...I wasn't sure how to feel about the really. 

"Officer Trent asked you a question Kay" Eve says, moving to sit next to me. I nod slightly "Sorry, what'd to say?" I mumble looking at the officer. He smiles a bit "It's okay. I asked if you were ready to talk about all this now. First is discussing the home arrangements and second is the funeral and last is anything else needed to be covered. That order alright?" he says, repeating himself. 

I shrug "Why's it matter the order? it's all gunna get talked about. Just hurry up and start talking. I want you people gone, no offense, but people will wonder why there is a cop car in front of my house and I don need people all up in my. business" I say shrugging. Eve says nothing about my attitude, guess she's given up on trying to stop me. 

Officer Trent blinks then nods "Alright well, as of today you are still a minor and cannot live here in this house. Are there any relatives-" I hold up a hand, shutting him up. "No. I am not going anywhere. I have no family to turn to, orphaned are not an option. Neither are foster houses and homes. Don't even ask me about that. The only place I'm gunna live in is this house" I say firmly, glaring at all three of them. A cold hard gaze that blocked anyone from seeing any emotion I had inside. 

Officer Trent nodded "Right so I see. But I can't let you stay here. You are a minor and-" this ticks me off. As if I wasn't already depressed and pissed off. We just had to talk about this shit on a freaking Monday. The one day where I'm most definitely and always not in a good mood. 

"I don't give a fuck if I'm a minor! I've lived here my whole life! I'm not giving up my home to some freaking stranger. I've lived here alone most of the time! it was like I actually owned the house already considering I pay for everything around here! And you're gunna kick me from my only home to go to some other crappy place? No thank you! Kill me first then you can have my house! I'm not going anywhere!" I snap half yelling by the end. 

The 3 adults just look at me in surprise and Eve sighs next to me "Kay," she calls me softly. I snap my gaze over to her "What!?" I snap. She sighs again "go to the kitchen or a different room and calm down. Let me talk to them" Eve tells me softly, pulling me into a hug. I collapse into her arms and hug her back, squeezing my eyes shut.

I really couldn't handle all this. I nod and get up, walking away to let Eve talk to the people for me. I walk down the hall, blocking their voices out as I stop I front of my moms study. I stare at the closed door and slowly reach out and rest my hand on the door knob. 

What was inside? Should I really be doing this now? Am I ready to find what I might find? I had to. There could be important papers inside. But what if I didn't find what I wanted? What was I looking for anyway? What did I want? Go in! No! Not yet! But I had to! Why? 

The voices in my head to louder and louder, screaming and yelling at me. I close my eyes and lean against the door, trying to get them to shut up. I clench my teeth and stand up, the voices still yelling at me. I turn the door and shove it open. The voices to silent as I step into the room.

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