Epilogue Chapter 1 - Where's the good in Goodbye?

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Jessica’s POV

It was a gloomy Friday morning, extremely early and still dark out when the few of us invited were told to met here in Kaylee’s back yard, dressed in black. The rest of the week had passed by and Kaylee never showed up. The only news both Jake and I had received was that her mom had died recently so that’s why she was home. 

I honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about that. I had gained the knowledge that Kaylee’s mom wasn’t the best mom in the world but at the same time, she still was Kaylee’s  mother. Without her, I would have never met such an amazing person. 

Both Jake and I had gotten on text from Kaylee on Thursday. All it said was 

Wear black, doesn’t have to be fancy, just decent. Come to my back yard at 4:30am. See you there

And so here we were. It was just the two of us at the moment, we glanced at each other silently wondering what was going to happen. Minutes later, Seth, Eve and a fairly young looking woman all walk from inside. They were all dressed in casual but decent black as well. Jake and I look at them all a bit confused and Even smiles slightly.  

“Morning you two, I hope it wasn’t to much of a trouble getting here so early. I’m glad you could make it” Eve murmurs, looking up at the sky. I nod slightly and just stand there, feeling a bit awkward for some reason. Maybe cuz that women was just standing there, watching Jake and I. “Where’s Kay?” Jake asks suddenly. Eve smile and turns to the woods “Follow me” was our only answer.

Eve leads the way, the rest of us following silently through the woods. It was even darker and a bit creepy but as I looked around, I felt a sense or security and that I’d been around here before. As we slow down a bit and move into a clearing, I recognize the two gravestones I’d found long ago. A third was next to the first two and from the looks, it had recently been covered up.

“Kay? We’re here” Eve calls softly. A head pops up, not to far away and there’s some rustling sounds before Kaylee appears near the tombstones. She stands there, smiling at us sadly “Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been to school and kinda ignoring you” she says softly. 

Jake and I shake our heads, signaling it was fine. We understood that she’d been busy with all this. She sighs and looks at the ground for a moment before sticking her hands in the pockets of a worn jacket. 

“I’m not a fan of big fancy funerals. They make death seem so dermatic and whatever. It happens everyday, someone dies every minute of the day somewhere in the world…anyway, I didn’t like big fancy things and neither did mom so I’ve brought you here just cuz you're my closest friends. I don’t have much to say really…there are chairs if you wanna sit..” she says, looking at us awkwardly with a small sad smile. 

We all sit and listen to her speak softly about her mom. She takes a deep breath before talking. 

“Despite the fact my mother was a bad one, I still loved her. Even though I always screamed that I hated her and that shed never be my mom, I loved her. Because, when everyone had left me, she was there for me. Yeah not the way you think. When my dad and brother died, I couldn't understand why my big brother wasn't ever coming back. He and I had, had a great bond. 

Just after their deaths, she explained to me everything. She didn't become the monster she was until a month or so later. But in that month, she comforted me, was there. Kind, smiling, loving. I tried my new as a little kid to return her actions by due to not quite understanding, I guess it didn't work as well. 

As far as Eve knows, my mom never told me till a couple moths later. Well rather when Eve told me a couple month later. I never told Eve I had already known when she told me my dad and brother weren't ever coming back. But when she did, it finally hit me. They were never coming back. Ever. I just had to accept that fact and move on with life. 

Yeah she got worse after that but she stayed didn't she? She did run off, she didn't die on purpose, she stayed even though she turned to drugs and alcohol. Even when she beat me, she was at least acknowledging my presence. That I was still there. If you really think, I can't hate her for that. 

She’s left me for good in more then one way…but I know she’s sorry for what she did…I know she was only doing what she thought right and that she was always thinking about me where ever she went…I-I still love her and always will”

I don’t think she realized she’d started to cry until Eve had walked over to hug her. After Eve hugged her, she just broke down. In the end, I realized how much her mom meant to her despite their rocky relationship most of their lives. I watched as Seth stood from his seat and spoke, a short but understanding and caring speech. 

“I lost my dad when I was very little, to young to remember her. I never grew up with a father figure in my life. But, I do know what it’s like living with a difficult single parent and what it’s like to loose them. My heart goes out to you Kaylee and may your mother rest in peace for the rest of her days up in heaven” 

He sits and the women stands. 

“I knew Jane before disaster struck. She was so kind and gentle and loving. She cared for her children dearly even after things started falling apart. I know deep down she never meant a mean word she said to you or any action, she alway’s loved you too and will continue to do so” 

She hugs Kaylee tightly and whispers something to her, getting a small smile from her. She sits down and looks at the two of us. Jake and I start, a bit surprised. Are we expected to talk? Jake stands awkwardly and looks at Kaylee 

“I haven’t know you for to long, just since middle school. I’m so glad you’re one of my best friends and that even though your mom wasn’t the nicest, I have to thank her for having you and bringing you into this world and into my life” he says going over to hug her as well, kissing her head lightly. She smiles and says something softly to him and he grins before walking over. 

I stand and pause for a moment before talking. “I don’t know to much about your family but so all I can really say is this. Even though I never met your mom or saw anything that went on between you guys, I know for a fact, not just because everyone else has said it, I know that she loved and loves you very much” I go over and hug her tightly. 

“Thank you…means a lot that you came and spoke even though you didn’t have to. None of you guys did but you did so thank you” she whispers in my ear. I smile at her and shake my head slightly “No problem” I answer softly. I turn to sit down again when I feel her lips on my cheek. I glance over at her, blushing slightly and she just smiles back. I smile to myself as I sit down and Eve stands up. 

“Jane loved the early morning, when the sun was just coming up and the morning mist flooded this forest. Here we stand during her favorite time of day to remember a mother, who not the greatest but one of the most loving in the word. Rest in peace Ms. Jane Hope Scott”

I looked around to see that it was that time of day. The sunlight was just barely peaking through the tree tops and the morning mist was flooding the whole area. It was pretty and peaceful feeling. And with that, it all ended. Kaylee was crying again, we all started to talk amongst ourselves softly. The woman introduced her self to Jake and I as Eve’s mom, Sarah. She thanked us for coming before going to set blue flowers on the grave. 

I turn to Jake and smile a bit “I have to say, I think this will be pretty memorable for us… things are chaining” I murmur as I look over at everyone else. Jake smiles “I’ll say, I didn’t miss that little interaction between you to. You lucky butt, I just got a hug” he says smirking slightly. I laugh and roll my eyes “Way to ruin such a nice moment Jake” I say smacking his arm lightly. He just smiles “But look at her, she seems better already, like whatever was weighing her down has finally been lifted” he observes quietly. 

I look over at Kaylee and see what he means. It did seem like she was less tense, more relaxed and a little more care free and happier. I wondered how things would work out from now on. I knew for sure now that I liked her, a lot and I knew that she liked me, I mean I had been told by a couple people already. Well they hinted enough at it…I smile slightly as I hear her laugh at something Eve said. This was definitely the end of this chapter in life and the start of a new one. What was to come next?

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