Chapter 14- Playing Games

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Kaylee’s POV 

She looks over at me, smiling. I smile back happily and soon we’re just staring happily at each other. We were so close yet so far.

After a few minutes, my gaze flicks to her perfect lips then back up to her eyes. I notice a small blush creeping up her face and my smile widens a bit. She arches an eyebrow at me, still blushing might I add, then does the exact same thing to me. It was my turn to blush a little. 

I smirk slightly, oh it was on. I lean in, stopping centimeters from her face and perfect lips. I raise an eyebrow, smirking slightly as I feel her breath hitch slightly as she looks at me wide eyed. 

I move in even closer but at the last second, I pull away, letting go and taking a step back. There’s a dark blush on her cheeks as she stands there dumbfounded. After a moment she glares at me, looking a bit embarrassed. 

Running after me suddenly, she tackles me to the ground, pinning me down. “Your such a fucking tease!” she yells at me, smacking my arm none to lightly. I laugh softly and shrug slightly. 

She scowls at me, still not pleased with me. A moment later, she start to tickle me. At first, she gets no reaction but doesn’t give up. I don’t tell her I’m not really ticklish but before I can tell her so, I start to laugh. 

Grinning in victory, she starts to tickle me more and more, keeping me pinned down so I couldn’t get away. It was weird, I hadn’t had a good laugh in ages and I didn’t remember being ticklish at all. She must have some kinda affect on me. 

Not letting me go, she continues to tickle me until I’m gasping for breath and begging her to stop. Leaning over, she gets up in my face, smirking at me. I just look up at her, an eyebrow raised, daring her. 

She adjusts her position so she was hovering over me, propped up by her arms on either side of me. She leans in even closer, like I’d done before. I keep my expression blank as i stare at her but my heart speeds up.

Her hair falls around her neck and brushes past my ears to the ground as she leans even closer, our nose’s almost touching. 

We just end up staring at each other, neither of us blink for a good minute and half. Both of us end up blinking at the same time. We laugh and she rolls off of me, getting up and I follow her a moment later.

I move back a bit to openly check her out. Instead of blushing, she freely models for me. I laugh and pretend to be one of those picture people dudes with a camera. Except I was using my iPhone. 

I pull out my phone and start taking all kinds of pics of her. I stop after a moment to check them and while doing so, she slips behind me, jumping on top of me. 

I yelp as we fall over, tumbling around in the grass. Laughing, she straddles me with out knowing it as she tries to get my phone from me. I laugh and manage to keep it away from her. Finally, for the time being anyway, she gives up. 

I grin up at her, eyebrow raised. I just lay there, waiting for her to notice how this situation was. I wondered how she’d react. She just stares back at me and we get into a staring contest this time. I smirk slightly and tilt my head. 

“What?” she whines looking at me a bit puzzled. I just keep smirking and looking up at her. She blinks and finally figures it out. She turns bright red and scrambles off, apologizing profusely. 

I just laugh and shake my head “It’s fine, stop apologizing!” I say still laughing. She glares at me, her face still a bit pink. 

I sit up, running a hand through my hair, getting grass out of it. Jessica then tackles me, trying to get my phone again. I laugh and keep her away, and once again she gives up. Smiling softly, I take my phone out and turn on the camera. I take a few of us lying next to each other and making faces. 

I grin and then take a picture of the two of us lying there, getting the sunset behind us. I think this was the first time we really hung out for fun. 

I grin and show it to her, bad move on my part. She snatches my phone and runs off, looking at all of my pictures. I groan and roll over “Hey! Give my phone back!” I yell after her.

She giggles and waves it over her head “Come and get it you lazy butt!” she yells laughing. I growl playfully “Oh its so one you little twerp!” I yell jumping up and running after her. 

She squeals and runs away, mostly in circles. She runs around, dodging my attacks while managing to scroll through all my pictures. I get a glimpse of the pic she’s looking at now and then, always whining “Hey! Don’t look at that one! I look hideous!” 

And I always get the same reply in modified versions “Shut up! Your beautiful!” I’d be blushing so bad but I was already a bit red faced from chasing her around. 

All the sudden, she veers off down the road back down the path to where the car was parked. I chase her down the path, right behind her. I laugh as her long hair whips me in the face. I stay behind her hair, making sure I didn’t get hit in the face again. 

It was pretty dark and I could easily see the glowing screen of my phone as we run. Suddenly she trips and pitches forward, screaming bloody murder. I reach forward and catch her around the waist.

“It’s okay, I got you. You can count on me to make sure you never fall” I murmur softly, standing upright, my arms still around her. I smile softly and make sure she was okay. 

I could see a faint blush on her cheeks as she nods, saying she was fine. I double check and smile “Okay, your all good” I decide “yes thank you Dr. Scotts” she says amused.

I grin and boldly kiss her cheek softly. I notice her surprise and I take this chance to take my phone back. “Thanks for my phone hun” I say grinning. She just looks at me with an expression I can’t really read. 

I do notice her blushing even more though and smile softly at her. “Lets go home, its late” I say taking her hand and leading the way down to the car. 

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